

Ted wanted to end his business trip earlier than it supposed to end, because he wanted to be with his family, as he worked a lot in the past holidays. He missed so much Thanksgivings, Christmases, and New Years.

He said to his wife, Marissa, “I’m doing all this for us, honey,”

“I know, but the kids miss you, Ted,” Marissa said.

“I’ll send them presents, I love you all. See you soon.”

For illustrative purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Ted wanted to surprise his family, and didn’t mentioned his intention to come earlier that usual. As he came early, he saw that his family was not at home. He saw an unknown car at their garage. As his house was covered with Christmas decorations, he thought that maybe there were guests at home.

As he took the gifts from his car, he wanted to surprise his wife and children. He then knocked the door. He shouted, “Marissa, hun? It’s me! Ted!”

There were no response, as he was curious. Where were his family? Why they weren’t opening the door?

As he yelled, and knocked the door a little more, someone approached to the door and said, “Yes? Who are you?”

“Is this some kind of joke? Who are you?”

“Marissa? Kids? Daddy’s home! I got you all gifts!” Ted yelled again.

As he entered to the house, after showing away the man, he saw an unknown woman, and three children inside.

“What’s going on? THIS IS MY HOUSE! Did you all break in?! Where are my wife and children??” He asked.
“Hey, hey, man!” The other man said, “I rented this house like two weeks ago. This house was empty when we moved in. I’m Darren Welsh. Were you, like… the previous tenant?”

For illustrative purposes only. | Source: Unsplash

Ted was surprised, “What?” He said.

“Moved in? But Marissa didn’t tell me! How is that even possible? I’m not leaving this place until I’ve confirmed it. I need to talk to my wife.”

He called his wife, Marissa didn’t responded. Then called his in-laws, which his mother-in-law, Pamela stated, “You cheated on my daughter, Ted! How do you expect her to answer your call? She is here, and so are my grandchildren. Don’t worry, we’ll have a wonderful Christmas. You’ve never been there for them, anyway.”

Ted was shocked. He couldn’t call his wife for a while, since he was busy with his schedule, as he arranged his works to return back home earlier.

Pamela stated that her daughter was preparing for the divorce, as Ted had no idea. He then rushed to his lawyer’s office, and learned that his wife was preparing for a divorce.

His lawyer handed the envelope to Ted, as he said, “Marissa came to see me a few weeks back, Ted, and she said she was in a hurry. She told me to pass this letter to you,”

“She said you were a great father despite everything, and you can still see the kids after the separation. She doesn’t want the kids to grow up without their father.”

The started to read the letter his wife wrote for her.

I don’t know when we grew so distant that I’m hearing about your affair from your coworkers. I went to their house for a party and… I’m not sure what you saw in your secretary, but I won’t force myself or our children on you… I guess she’s young and beautiful and has all the time in the world to travel with you? Is this the reason you cheated on me with her?
She had the audacity to send me your texts and tell me how much she loves you. She did that in front of our children by coming to our house! Maybe that’s why you were gone and didn’t want to come to see us. You had found new love, hadn’t you?
I don’t want to tell you anything until you read this letter because what will it change? You are a liar and cheater, Ted!
Sam and Lily will miss their father, but I won’t. Goodbye, Ted. Live a hellish life with that secretary of yours!”

For illustrative purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“This is all wrong! I need to visit my family!” Ted shouted, as he rushed towards Pamela’s house.

“Ted? What the hell are you—” Ted stopped Melissa’s words, as he rushed inside. Kneeled before his wife, as he said while crying.

“How could you possibly think I’m cheating on you, babe? Do you have any idea why I’ve been so busy recently?”

“Ted, get out! Right now!” Marissa screamed.

“The kids are watching their father beg their mother, and I don’t think it’s a happy scene!”

“Marissa!” Ted yelled, “I am not cheating on you. I’ve never cheated on you! I don’t know what texts you’re talking about, but you can check my phone. I genuinely love you and our kids!”

His father-in-law said, “Enough, man!”

“We’ll have that talk in court! Out of my house now!”

As Ted begged his wife so she would listen, and showed the designs that were stored in his laptop, as they were his gifts to his wife, and the reason of his crowded schedule. He explained the house he wanted to build for her.

“Fine, but how do you explain this…” Marissa showed a text she received from his secretary.

She was obsessed with Ted, as she sent Marissa fake messages to create the feud between them, and tried to play on Marissa.

As they hugged, Marissa said, “I’m so sorry, hun, I shouldn’t have doubted you! What a mess!”

“It’s OK, babe,” ted hugged her back, as she said, “I love you, and I love our children!”

“I love you too, babe,” Marissa said.

What do you think? Let us know.

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