

As usual, Adam, the single father of three, was jogging at the park, before he went back to his home and take her children to school, 13-year-old Amanda, 8-year-old Jared.

His wife passed away six years ago. He was alone with his children. But his 22-year-old daughter, Stacey, was there to help, as she prepared the breakfast for her.

When he looked at his watch, he saw that he needed to be at his home in five minutes. So he started to rush back.

He saw an old lady who was struggling with the stairs, as she wanted help from Adam. She explained that she fell from the stairs, and couldn’t climb them.

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“Ma’am!” Adam ran towards the woman, “Are you OK?”

“I’m fine; it was just a little fall,” she said, but she was not good, as Adam understood. Then Adam said, “Please, let me walk you home,”

As they walked towards her home, the old lady stated that her name was Alice, and she recently lost her husband, Frank, in a car crash.

Then Adam talked about his story too, for comforting Alice. As he dropped her to her house, Alice said, “I just want to send you a little something for your kids, and thank you,”

As Adam was hesitating, he decided to give the adress, and rushed back home to his children.

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On the next morning, Stacey’s scream wake Adam. She shouted, “Dad! Quick! Something weird’s happening outside!”

As Adam approached to the window, she saw a truck approaching to his drive way, and Alice was there too.

“Alice, what is all this?” Adam asked.

“A little gift from me to thank you for your kindness,” Alice started.

“Driving it here was a little tedious, but well, now it’s here. This truck belonged to my late husband. He was in a business that helped families move. Sadly, he passed away right after a big job. He was supposed to transport a family’s belongings to another state,”

“They never returned for their things, and all their furniture and belongings stayed with me. I want you to have it…You can sell everything or may do with them as you please.”

As Adam wanted to refuse the gifts, Alive didn’t accept the word no as an answer, and went away after she left her gifts at Adam’s house.

As his daughter, Stacey was looking at the stuff, she said, “This sofa could sell for $700, Dad!”

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“Yep, that’s a nice couch!” Adam said, as he noticed a safe.

When Jared saw that too, he asked, “Woah, what do you think is inside, Dad?”

Stacey said, “That’s none of our business, Jared!”

“Dad, you should return it. It’s someone else’s!”

As Adam said that he would, he had something else in his mind. After Stacey took her siblings to school, Adam tried to open the safe, and tried to find out a way to open.

As he couldn’t opened the safe, he reached to a specialist, about the safe. As he lied that he lost the key, the specialist stated, “You heard about the big heist three weeks back, right?”

“Some local millionaire’s house was turned upside down.”

“Heist? No, no, I haven’t,” Adam was stressed.

“You sure?” The specialist continued, “The cops have been all over it…”

As he had no idea, Adam later foudn out that Frank, the late husband of Alice was the man behind the heists. He was living two lives for 46 years, until he passed.

He would lie to his wife, Alice that he had received the money from another state, where he had managed a business.

He had a crew of three people, Dylan, 34, Ken, 42, and Mike, 48.

After he wanted to quit, ten years ago, Frank met with his crew at a bar. Ken said to him, “There are 25 gold bars in the millionaire’s safe, Frank! Just imagine the money we’ll get,”

“So…are you with us?”

As Frank thought of the heist as his last, he accepted.

They were at the Mr. Harrison’s house. For two months, they tried to dig a tunnel under Harrison’s house. And when the tunnel was ready, Dylan informed to them that he was their neighbor, and he was leaving so he was giving presents to his neighbors.

At that time, Dylan had poisoned the drink of Mr. Harrison. After his death, the poison proved it’s worth, and there were no trace in his autopsy report.

After Harrison’s passing, they went through the tunnel, and robbed the house. Ken said, “Now we make sure we cover our tracks,”

“We good?” Dytlan said, as he was looking to the basement, Mike said, “Looks like we were never here,”

On the next day, Frank went to the rented house, and people thought that he was the new neighbor. Then Frank took the safe to another state, and carry on with their plan.

Then specialist said to Adam, “I know everything about the robbery and this goddamn safe!”

“So I know it was stolen from Mr. Harrison’s house…”

As the specialist was about the call the authorities, Adam did the unthinkable, and hit the specialist’s head with a baseball bat.

The man dropped to the ground. As Adam was frozen, he saw the security camera. He rushed back to his car, and called his daughter, Stacey.

“I’ll be home soon, honey. Be ready. As soon as I come, we leave for Amanda’s and Jared’s school and then leave the town with them!”

Stacey asked, “Dad, what’s going on?”

“I’ll explain everything later. Just be ready,” he said.

At the house, Adam took the necessary items from the house, and took the safe from his car to the truck, and with his daughter, they went to the school of his children.

As they waited for ten minutes, Stacey said, “Dad! They’re not there!”

At that time, his phone ranged, and he opened and said, “What?”

“I have your children, and if you want them alive, bring the safe to the address I’m going to text you. Don’t even try to act smart!” An unknows voice said to Adam.

“Hello? Hello?” The voice was gone.

As Adam was shocked, and his daughter was terrified, he decided to call the authorities. In a few hours, the officers had cauhgt Ken, Mike and Dylan, and saved Adam’s children.

As they were imprisoned for 30 years, Adam was charged with ten years.

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