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As the man had welcomed his son as he was not expecting him, after 12 years, he had learned a truth about his son, as he had a conversation with his old friend. The father had shared his story on Reddit’s r/relationship_advice subreddit.
He had started to his story with a background information. “My wife and I met when I was 20. We had a drunk hookup the first night we met. We continued seeing each other after that night. A few weeks later she found out she was pregnant. We stayed together and I proposed a few months later.”
He had stated that he was suspicious about the pregnancy of his girlfriend, but he proposed to her, as he was thinking that she was carrying his child. “ I had doubts about her pregnancy lining up with our timeline but I never brought it up or discussed it. Not to mention I was in the military and deployed a few months later. My proposal weighed a lot on her carrying my child. I grew up in a home without a dad and never wanted that.”
He had stated that they are together for 12 years, as their relationship was rocky, but they are together for their son. “Fast forward 12 years we are still married. Though it has been extremely volatile and rocky I’ve stayed together honestly because I could never part from my son. I can’t let him grow up with an absent father. So I’ve made it work. Our marriage is dead outside of our child.”
As he was walking in town, he saw an old friend, and they had a weird conversation. “I ran into an old friend who I knew around the time I met my wife. He asked if I was still with her and I said yes. He mentioned how “it was crazy I dated her and then you stole her from me!” I wasn’t sure what he meant and asked him to elaborate.”
He had learned that his wife was hooking up with his friend too, until she was pregnant. “He said “it’s no big deal but I was seeing her up until that weekend you met her.” I dropped it but inside my doubt and insecurities ran wild. I couldn’t get it out of head. I broke down and bought a home DNA test kit and used it on my son and I without telling my wife.”
After he took the test, the results came, with shocking result. “The results came back today. He is not my son. 0% chance I am his biological son. I’m destroyed. My whole world is upside down. I’m just on autopilot at the moment. I don’t know how to act or feel. I’m just a zombie right now.”
But he stated that as the child is not biologically his, he is his son. “One thing I know is no matter what he is my son. I’ve been by his side the moment he was born and will absolutely never abandon him. Absolutely nothing will change that.”
Then he talked about how he doesn’t know what to do with his wife, as their marriage was over a lie, as he concluded his story, “What I haven’t decided is how if at all I bring it up to my wife. I feel like my whole marriage was a lie. I can’t help but wonder if she knew. How do I confront her. Regardless that I’m not in love with her I still love her. This will crush her. This will absolutely devastate her. I don’t know what to do. I plan on seeing a counselor/therapist ASAP. So many emotions and thoughts flooding my mind. Just need some help to bring me back down.”
Here are some of the comments from the Redditors.
“First of all, I can’t even imagine how blindsided you must feel. I’m sorry this has happened. My parents (biological parents) got married because they found out they were pregnant with me. When I was about 1, they decided to end it. I’ve talked with my mom a lot about why this happened and what her thought process was and she always says something along the lines of: “I knew that I’d so much rather raise you in two happy households instead of one unhappy one.””
“And that’s exactly what happened. I grew up with two separate, happy marriages as examples. I got to be loved by so many more people. I have good relationships with all my parents. I have no resentment. I just wanted to say that good outcomes of divorce exist. Sometimes it really is what is best for the family unit as a whole. Divorce doesn’t always end badly. Sometimes it’s the most calm & clear path for everyone involved.”
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