Life Style


Bobby, a 45-year-old man, who loves his 14-year-old daughter, Mia, with all his heart. As they were going along beautifully, the behaviour of Mia changes as time passed. She started to talk less with her father, and she was having phone calls when it was late, and in secrecy.
As her father, Bobby had found a pack of cigarettes in her room, he also found a box that was under a pile in her board.
As he couldn’t help himself, he opened the box that was many expensive gifts were in. Then he found a letter from an old man. It was written,
“My dear Mia, I can’t stop thinking about you.
This is for being so lovely & beautiful. I’m really excited about finally meeting you. It fills me with so much joy you can’t even imagine & all I want to do is be with you.
I can’t wait to see you soon. Looking forward to our meeting on Saturday.
I’m already picturing us…talking, laughing, sitting next to each other. God, I hope this café we’re meeting at serves a vegan menu. Or else a poor vegan like me is going to have to starve. But who cares about food when I’m getting to be with you?
See you soon 🙂 Love Forever, V.”
As he read the letter, Bobby said, “Who is this guy? What the hell is going on?”
“You better have an explanation, Mia,” said Bobby as he was thinking who might be the old man.
“Why have you been accepting expensive gifts from this man?” Bobby wondered.
He then called Mia, and she responded, “Dad! What do you want? I told you I can’t talk in the middle of music class, didn’t I? Talk to you later…”
He got shocked again, as he couldn’t say anything. He called her again, but she didn’t responded that time. “What did I do to deserve this?” Said Bobby to himself.
“There’s only one vegan café on Oakmont Lane…Were they planning to meet there today? I should find out what’s going on before it’s too late,” he said as he was searching for a vegan place on the town.
Then on the next day he went to the vegan cafe as he had changed his clothes. As he was searching for his daughter from a distance, he saw Mia, sitting alone, playing with her phone.
As he was watching her smile with the every buzz on her phone, he remembered that Mia was used to smile at her father too.
Until Mia’s examination at the doctor’s office, they were going pretty good together. “Mrs. Davis, we found some concerning results in Mia’s test.” Mia’s doctor said.
“Can we please talk in private?” Said the doctor, but Mrs. Davis said that she will stay.
“Alright…Does your daughter have any hereditary diseases?” Asked doctor.
“Has your family taken a blood test before…I mean, the three of you, especially Mr. Davis and Mia?”
“No, doctor,” said Mrs. Davis.
“We just go for a routine check-up every year. Her father is very particular about our health. This is our first blood examination together. Is something wrong?”
“I see, I see that your daughter’s blood group doesn’t match your husband’s, Mrs. Davis. Are you aware of this? Is Mr. Davis not Mia’s—?” Asked foctor.
Mia got shocked, as she said “Wha—What do you mean my blood group doesn’t match my Dad’s?”
“Well, your father’s blood type is such that… it’s highly unlikely that he’s your birth father. That’s what the blood test report indicates. Your blood group doesn’t match his at all.” Said doctor to Mia.
“Mom, what is she saying? What’s going on? Dad’s not my real dad?” Mia said to her mother.
“Hush! Not now, please! We’ll talk about this later,” Mrs. Davis said.
Bobby felt something was wrong, as he saw his daughter and wife. “Everything alright?”
“Yes…Yes, all good, honey. And I’m glad everything’s fine with the reports, doctor. Thanks again!” Mrs. Davis said.
“Everything looks good here, Mr. and Mrs. Davis. Take care,” said the doctor, as she decided not to take part in the situation.
“What was that all about, Mom? Is Dad not my birth father? Tell me…what’s going on? Why did the doctor say that? How’s that my blood doesn’t match Dad’s?” Mia asked to her mother in secrecy.
“It’s complicated. I’ll explain everything later when we get home. But please…do not ask anything in front of your father. It’s better if we discuss this privately.” Said her mother.
When they had arrived at their house, “Mom, we’re home. What’s going on? What did the doctor mean by that? I need to know the truth NOW,” Mia said to her mother.
“I’ll be waiting for you in my room.”
After a while, her mother went up to Mia’s room and said, “Sweetie, we need to talk,”
“I’m so sorry, Mia…The doctor was right,”
“Bobby isn’t your real father. When your Dad was on a business trip to Cape Town, I met someone on a cruise in Virginia. We had a small fling. When I learned I was pregnant with his child, I was too afraid to tell your Dad I cheated. I loved Bobby and knew he loved you like his daughter. I didn’t want to hurt either of you by telling the truth. What happened on that cruise was an accident.”
Mia got shocked. “What the hell, Mom? How could you do this? How could you keep this terrible secret from me all these years? Why didn’t you tell me before?”
“Who’s my real father?”
“I have a right to know who my biological father is, Mom. I can’t keep living a lie and pretending everything is okay, alright? If you don’t tell me who my real father is now, I’ll reveal the truth to Dad…I mean…Bobby.”
Mrs. Davis said, “Okay. Fine. His name is Victor…”
“But you have to promise me you won’t tell anyone, especially not Bobby. If he finds out, it could tear our family apart.”
“Mom, can you tell me more about him? Where is he from? I want to know everything,” Mia asked.
“No, I don’t know much. We never met again after the cruise. And please, don’t ask me anything about him again.” Mrs. Davis said.
Mia was angry, frustrated. “How could Mom do this to me? What more has she been keeping from me all these years?”
“I won’t let Mom’s secrecy hold me back,” Mia said to herself.
“I’m going to find out more about my biological dad, even if I have to go behind Mom’s back,” she said as she picked her laptop to research.
She had searched a lot, and she found a profile that would fit the description of her mother. “Hi, I’m Mia. I know this is gonna sound crazy. But I believe I might be your daughter. You met my Mom at Island Temptations on a cruise in Virginia around 15 years back. Can we talk?” She messaged the man.
“What? I’m sorry. I don’t know what you’re talking about. I guess you must have got the wrong profile,” write the man.
“No, I’m sure it is you, Dad. My Mom, Esther, told me that you’re my biological father. I know this must come as a shock to you. But I know some information that only you and my Mom know. I can share with you if you want.” Mia responded to the man.
“I don’t know what to say! Yeah, I met Esther on a cruise. She was an amazing woman. We never met or contacted each other again after the cruise. I’m now married to my gay partner. We’ve been together for 7 years now. We don’t have any children & I’m so surprised I have a daughter. This is so unexpected. Really! Thank you for reaching out, Mia. I’m so happy to hear from you. Can we talk more? Maybe we can meet. I would love that! What do you think?” Said Victor.
That night, they talked a lot in a video call. “Hey, but before that, I have a little gift for you. I’m sure you’ll love it, darling!” Said Victor.
On their meeting, her biological father, Victor, had gifted her an expensive watch, her favorite perfumes, a diamond bracelet, and a note with a picture of Victor.
“I just got into a taxi at the airport. Send me the location of the café, darling,” Mia read on her phone, as she was waiting for her father.
“Don’t be late. I’m already waiting for you at Café Bean. I came in a bit early. I can’t wait to see you! Sending you the location. Love You :)” wrote Mia.
Bobby was ready to interfere with them, as he was waiting for the old man to arrive. He watched his daughter to hug that man, he couldn’t wait more and rushed towards them.
“Mia! Who is this guy? You better start explaining!” He said.
“Dad? What are you doing here? Wait…Were you following me?” Said Bobby.
As he was angry, Bobby punched Victor. As Bobby kept hitting Victor, Mia interfered, “Dad…stop…Dad! What are you doing! Are you out of your mind? STOP!”
“You stay away from my daughter, you pedophile!” Shoute Bobby to Victor.
“You’re a sicko. Finding someone half your age to fool around with, huh, bastard? How dare you flirt with my girl?”
“Dad, stop! Please, let him go! It’s not what you think. Please, let him go,” said Mia.
“Somebody, please help…Call an ambulance. Please, he’s bleeding.”
With his punch to the nose of Victor, he passed out.
“Oh my God…What did you do? Dad, No! Dad…wake up…DAD?!” Shouted Mia. Bobby was shocked.
“DAD? Did you just call him Dad? Mia, what’s going on? Why are you calling him that?”
“Mia, come back…Mia…” He ran after the ambulance that took Mia and Victor.
“Sir, we need you to come with us,” said an officer.
“His condition is stable now…Nothing to worry about,”
“Hello, Victor,” said Bobby.
“I’m sorry about everything, Victor. My wife told me everything at the station. I’m really very sorry. I misunderstood that you and my daughter were actually…you know. I love my daughter more than anything in the world. It would be any father’s fear when he finds expensive gifts in his teen daughter’s cupboard and sees her holding hands with a stranger. I just did what any father would do.”
“I understand…” Said Victor, as he was in pain for losing a teeth.
“Oh my God, Bobby…I’ve never seen you like this before…I didn’t know you were capable of this,” Esther said to her husband.
“Well, even I didn’t know that you were capable of this, Esther…But it’s over between us now. You’ll never see me again,” said Bobby.
“Forgive me too, Mia…I hope this will not affect our relationship. No matter what happens or who comes our way…I still love you. I always will. My doors are always open for you,” Bobby said to Mia.
What do you think? Let us know.

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