

A man had shared his story of being cheated on, on the Reddit’s r/relationship_advice subreddit. The man had stated that the ex-husband of his wife came back to their life, and he was suspicious, so he had installed hidden cameras to the house, and saw that his wife was cheating on him, with her ex.

He first stated the meeting story with his wife, “I(m52) lost 1st wife 10 years ago. At the time 2 daughters now 21 &24. Life went on after about 3 yrs. I met current wife(38). Met innocently enough. Basically kept bumping into her a various places around town. Never really talked, sometimes made eye contact we would point at each other at a distance and just smile.”

He continued as, “Then one day getting my car worked on, she walked into the waiting room, while hers was worked on also. So we finally had a long conversation. We went across the street to get real coffee, as service centers was bad. We talked about an hour, then I was paged mine was done. I asked if she would like to do lunch 1 day to continue talking, we exchanged numbers and a day to meet up.”

They had dated for two years, and married, as she had two sons, they had lived in his house. His daughters had loved his new wife too. He had stated that he loved the boys, as if they were his too.

As far as he knows about his wife’s past, he shared that, “I was told her ex abandoned them about the time baby #2 came along and has been no contact since. Her mom is very nice but holds me at arms length. He is an Alpha Dog. I don’t think he wanted anyone else taking care of his daughter only child, and grandkids.”

He had made sure his wife that he would stay away from his in-laws, “He would berate me because I was too old ( not much younger than them). This would be anytime I was around them. I am nonconfrontational, so I told wife I would just stay away from them. I did encourage her to continue relationship, as they only live a couple blocks away.”

As time had passed, her ex had came, and stated that he wants to be in his sons lives. “February this year her ex reappears, wants to be in their lives. He us sketchy at best. I can not refuse this. He starts coming around often. I set a boundary that he comes on weekends so as not to interfere with school and we can control his visitation somewhat.”

He then talked with his wife as, “He comes most weekends, but really spends little time alone with the kids as we try to give him space. I ask wife if he made any child support payments while he was gone. No. I suggested to her to talk to him about getting caught up of what ever he owes and to ask about signing over rights so I could adopt. She said she would talk to him.”

Then the things started to change, as the man had stated, “First part of March our sex life starts to dive. You know where this going, right? But I am oblivious. I mention to wife, she has the usual excuses. I notice little things around the house are different.”

Then he had continued as, “My favorites snacks are gone, missing a few beers(not a big drinker just one every now and then). But the big one was I could smell what I thought was weed. I asked wife if she was smoking, as we don’t, she hasn’t. I thought the now 14 yr. old was, suggested we talk with him. She says she would handle it.”

Then he had talked with the son of his wife as, “About 2 weeks ago 14 yr old asks me if I love mom. I said yes, thinking he has a girlfriend. Time for a talk right? He says that we always sat together and were touching each other some way or other, this made him feel good. He asks if mom loved his dad.”

The man had responded as, “I responded that sure on some level she does, why asking. He replies that they are always looking at each other, talking and touching. And he is over all the time. I asked what he meant by all the time, almost everyday when they get home from school he is there then leaves.”

On that weekend, the ex had confronted with the man. “That weekend I ‘m in the living room, he is over for visitation. He comes in and sits down across from me with a beer. I look up from my reading, and tell him to help himself to a beer. He says nothing. I ask why isn’t he with the kids I could hear laughing coming from the family room.”

Their conversation continued as he stated that they never divorced, technically. “He said he might go in a little bit. I tell him I will not drink in front of the kids, I wait until after they are in bed. He says nothing. He then states you know I am only here for her. What does that mean, your talking about my wife. He says technically not divorced he never signed papers, so she is his wife. I know a judge signed off on divorce because he could not be found, that’s why it took longer to divorce.”

Then her ex had continued as, “I finally ask about the child support, since I never heard back. He just looked at me and said that he was caught up, paid her 15000 in cash. WTF. I asked then if she talked to him about giving up rights, never asked. He asked what would it be worth to me. I said you got to be kidding, you would sell your kids. Before he could answer I told him to leave.”

On the next day, the man had installed hidden cameras to his house. “Nothing unusal until Wednesday about 10 am. I get alert on phone when the camera activates. So I am at work I get a notice, figure it’s the wife cleaning up, I look anyways. He comes back. She lets him in they kiss,long. He starts grabbing at her she playfully pushes away, they are laughing, no sound. He sits on the couch she brings him a beer and snacks.”

He had explained more as, “10 am! She disappears. She is back a few minutes later, clothes changed, she is going to school for lunch. They are talking. More grabbing more pushing away, laughing. A few minutes later she is up getting ready to leave. He gets up grabs her again. Making some gestures, then poses like he is praying hands together. They sit down again the she gives him head. She finishes up, goes out of range. Comes back says something then leave. He then watches tv, the he takes a nap. Screen eventually go’s blank.”

On the next time, he had rushed back to his home to confront them. “A little after 1 pm another alert, she is home. They talk, they both leave room. I know they are headed to bedroom. I race home and find them. They never heard me coming. There is the hysterics you would expect. He slithers out. I tell her she has to go. She pleads it was a one time mistake he had just got there. She was lonely because we weren’t having sex etc. I called Bs.”

Then he had talked with his in-law, as he showed the video of proof. “I asked how often he came over, just the weekends. This was an anomaly. I showed the video of him napping. She said he was tired and asked. Then I showed her the BJ. She had nothing to say. I told her to pack her bags she is out. I left and called her dad to take them in we were having issues. He of course take Alpha position, telling me how I would screw this up, yada yadda. I couldn’t get a word in. Finally I stopped him, asked again he said yes, then started on me again. I had enough, I said I would send him something, I sent the video edited down to BJ. I told him to view and call me back if I was wrong. Never heard back.”

Here are some of the thing the Redditors had wrote about the situation.

“I would pay an absurd amount of money to see this dads reaction”

“Given the age of the kids it’s likely that they can participate somehow in the divorce and custody conversation and give their own preferences. Some mediations give the kids their own time alone with the decision maker to say their piece. Sounds like the kids are bonded to so don’t lose hope that you’ll still be a big part of their lives.”

“I’m so sorry , this sounds awful . I have a feeling that your wife was hiding him for longer than you think . But what kind of trashy family is giving you shit when their daughter is the one that messed up .”
“Unfortunately you got caught in a situation that had relatively risk from start . May I advice you not to give any money if they are not your kids …she won’t utilise it for the boys …she most likely to spend it with that joke of a man. So, what’s the situation now …I she still begging you?”

What do you think? Let us know.

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