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Sam was proud of his parents, as he was the nine-year-old boy of a doctor. He would sometimes be cruel with his comments towards others as he would go overboard sometimes.

He would make fun of children of poor parents, as he was the head of a gang of children from wealthy parents.

And for this occasion, Kelly was his target, whose mother was working as a janitor in a mall. Kelly loved her mother, Grace, and she was aware that her mother was working for her. When Grace was pregnant, her husband John abandoned her as he was not ready to be a father.

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She was both working as a janitor at a mall, and she was also sweeping the local parks. She was only wishing well for her daughter, and was working for her well being.

Grace was sure that her daughter would be in good places if she was to be educated properly. But she didn’t know that her daughter was struggling with bullies in her school.

Sam was shopping with his father Jacob in the mall, and while they were passing through a section, Sam saw Kelly with her mother, talking just outside the washroom.

“Who is that lady with her? Why is Kelly talking to a toilet cleaner?” Sam said to himself, and went to listen them in secrecy.

“Here, darling. I have only $3. Go, get your ice cream,” Grace said.

“Thanks, mom!”

“MOM??!” Sam was shocked, as he didn’t knew that Kelly’s mother was working as a janitor. He had planned his next play on Kelly for the next day.

On the next morning, Sam started when he saw Kelly. “Hey, look—Our school’s future toilet cleaner has arrived!”

“Go sit in the corner away from all of us. You don’t belong here coz you stink.”

As the other children started to laugh, Kelly was scared.

“What else will she become? A multi-millionaire? Her mom washes toilets in the mall, and Kelly will take up after her in the future,” Sam continued.

“Please, stop. It hurts,” Kelly pleaded. “And don’t tease my mother. She works very hard to raise me.”

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The whole classroom except Chris, surrounded and mocked her. With each day, Sam was bullying Kelly. He would draw things on paper about her mother, and threw it to Kelly. While the students were laughing, Kelly ran outside as she was crying.

Then Chris intervened, “Enough! Guys, give her a break. Stop teasing her.”

“Mind your own business,” Sam walked towards Chris, who had enough with others bullying Kelly. He knew Sam’s father, and went to his office to talk with him that day after school.

“My son Sam ridicules poor kids in class? But I thought he was so disciplined,” Jacob didn’t believed that his son was a bully.

“No, Dr. Kingsley. Sam manipulates everyone into teasing children from poor families. He has done this to many kids earlier, and now, Kelly has been his target since he discovered that her mom is a janitor in the mall.” Chris said.

“Oh, I see. Alright, Chris. Thanks for informing me. I’ll take care of this right away,” Jacob said as he still wasn’t believing at Chris.

On the next day, Sam had prepared some papers to bully Kelly, as on the paper it was written, “Contact Kelly in 4th grade to wash all your toilets!!!”

As the whole corridor laughed, Kelly was incredibly hurt. “How dare you do this to me, Sam? You are nobody to decide my future. And stop looking down upon others,” she said.

“What did I say wrong? You’re only good to clean toilets like your mom!” Sam said, as he was unaware that his father, Jacob was right behind him.

“That’s ENOUGH!!!” Jacob shouted. “How dare you mock somebody like that? Apologize to her right now.”

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“B-But dad…what are you doing here? A-And I was just playing—”

“I said say sorry,” Jacob continued, “Didn’t you hear me? APOLOGIZE to her immediately.”

“I-I’m sorry,” Sam said.

“And from today, no more pocket money,” Jacob continued. “Do you hear me? You’ll have to work for your allowance if you want it.”

“Work? But dad…”

“Yes, if you want pocket money, you will have to earn it. And it’s simple— You stay back for half an hour after school today and help your janitor wash all your elementary school toilets. If you disobey me, then forget your allowance. Period.”

Then Jacob talked with the principal after the events. “Mr. Kingsley, don’t you feel it’s a bit too much? Maybe we could ask him to do something else as punishment, not this,” the principal shared his thoughts.

“He mocked the poor girl just because her mother cleans toilets. I want him to realize that no job is big or small and that everybody deserves respect.” Jacob responded.

Jacob watched his son help to the janitor that afternoon after school.

When he went into his father’s car, “Sam, do you mind moving to the backseat coz you stink after washing toilets,” Jacob said to show his son how it would hurt people.

“B-But dad?” Sam started to cry.

“Well, did I hurt you just like how you used to hurt the others? Do you understand how you made such hardworking people feel by hurting their sentiments?”

As Jacob felt that Sam understand his mistake, “Son, never look down upon someone for the job they do. Imagine how horrible our living conditions would be if there were no janitors. Learn to respect everyone and do not judge someone by the money in their bank, their appearance, or their job.” Jacob said.

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On the next day, Sam apologized from Kelly and talked with entire classroom that what he did was wrong, and that he was sorry for his terrible behaviour towards Kelly. From that day on, Sam never bullied anyone, and had helped to the people who were being bullied.

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