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Andy met with Jen when she went to another state to study in college. They were in the same study group, which they quickly became friends as they were on the same page in many things in life.

A shocked woman with her mouth open and hand on her head | Source: Freepik

One day, Jen invited Andy to have lunch with her mother in their home while they were on a study break. Andy accepted as she would like to meet with Jen’s mother. Jen’s house was making Andy feel in home in a weird way.

Once she saw the family portrait of Jen’s family, her heart skipped a beat. She was frozen, and directly looking at the picture. “Jen, who’s that?” She asked.

“My mom and dad.” Jen answered.

“No, that’s MY dad!” Andy said.

As Jen was confused, “Wait, you DIDN’T know?!” She asked.

“Know WHAT?”

“Oh no, you really don’t know! Your dad is also my father and had me two years before you were born,” Jen responded with confusion, and revealed that they were half-sisters.

Someone looking at a framed photo on a table | Source: Pexels

“I knew I had a half-sister somewhere in the world, but had never met her or seen photos of her.” Andy said, as she fell on her knees. She was aware that her father had a baby with another woman before she was born, and while he was married with his mother, but Andy never knew who her half-sister was.

Then Jen’s mother came to greet Andy, but she was shocked too. “You’re… you’re her,” she said as she was looking at Andy.

As they talked for whole lunch, Andy learned that her father had been talkin about her to Jen’s mother.

After the lunch, Andy confronted with her father that she explained that she wants to talk with her mother about the truth. “Please, you can’t tell your mom,” her father said.

“Dad, how could you?” Andy raised her voice. “She deserves the truth, WE deserve the whole truth.”

Two people holding hands | Source: Pexels

After a long conversation, Andy agreed with her father to talk to her mother about what she heard when she was 14, while her father was talking with his phone in secrecy.

That confession destroyed her family, as her mother went mad after what she heard, and left the house.


Dani and Nathan were on the brink of separation, and after Nathan’s new work, they thought that they might have a chance of saving their marriage.

They were married young, after they got graduated from high school. They were married for nine years.

“We’ll grow together, Dani,” Nathan said in the beginning. “We’ll study and build up careers together.”

A young couple embracing | Source: Pexels

Two years after their marriage, they had their daughter, Ellie. Sadly, for the past years, Dani realized slowly that their marriage was deteriorating.

“You’ve just let yourself go, Dani,” Nathan said. “Always in those frumpy clothes. Do you think that you’ll keep the spark alive like that?”

He also would criticise her motherhood too. “You’re always behind that computer screen. Do you even give Ellie enough attention? It doesn’t seem like it. She’s always alone when I come home from work.”

As Dani was tired of talking back, “Do what you want,” she said.

Suddenly, Nathan started to act more tolerable. He was nice and Dani thought that it was about his new job offer at another city.

“It’s a new start,” Nathan said, as Dani was already working from home, and Ellie was only in her first grade at school.

Packing boxes on a table | Source: Pexels

After their move, things started to work out between Nathan and Dani. Ellie was going to her new school, and everything was working.

“I’m serious about this move, honey,” Nathan said. “This is going to be great.”

Few weeks after Ellie started to her school, she was coming home sad, and wouldn’t say anything about her sadness.

Dani found her crying in her room one day. “Honey, what happened?” Dani asked.

“I don’t want Miss Allen to be my mother! I want you to be my mother!”

“Why would she become your mother?” Dani asked about Ellie’s teacher.

“Honey, tell me,” Dani continued.

A child sitting on the floor | Source: Pexels

“Yesterday, when Dad picked me from school, Miss Allen told me to wait by the door while she spoke to Dad. I didn’t hear everything, but I did hear her saying that she’ll be a better mom to me… Dad laughed when she said that.”

Dani fell to her knees, she was devastated. She just learned from her daughter that her husband was having an affair with their daughter’s teacher.

That night she went to talk with Nathan, after she put Ellie to sleep.

“So, Miss Allen seems really good with Ellie.”

“Really?” he asked, “I knew Ellie liked her…”

“Enough for Miss Allen to be her new mom?” Dani asked. “What’s going on, and don’t you dare lie to me.”

As Nathan went pale, he confessed everything after few minutes later. That he ruined their marriage. He was already having an affair before their move, and he found a new woman to have affair with after their move.

On the next day, after she dropped Ellie at school, Dani confronted with Miss Allen, and the teacher denied everything.

A smiling little girl with long hair | Source: Pexels

After their divorce, Dani only focused on her daughter, Ellie, she took her daughter and moved away, and Ellie enrolled in another school.

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