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Jenny’s father Dan always bullied Jenny, as he would barge into her room and would say, “Random checks today, kiddo,” and would search through Jenny’s belongings.

He was always setting rules and stantards for Jenny’s academic performances too. “Nothing below a B, Jenny, understood?” He would say.

An unhappy girl sitting at a desk with a book in front of her at school | Source: Pexels

As she was tired of her father’s pressure, she decided to pay for her own college, as she didn’t wanted her father to stress her out for her college life. Her aunt and uncle had wanted to help her too.

Jenny’s decision to pay for her college was not bothered her father, as he didn’t said anything about the issue, and he never offered to pay for her. But he was taking credit for Jenny’s college success too, as if he was the mind behind her.

A middle-aged man wearing formal wear while seated at a table | Source: Pexels

One summer evening, during a family gathering, Jenny’s uncle asked to her, “So, how much did her education cost you?”

“Oh, it’s been quite the investment,” Dan said as he was bragging, “A small fortune, really, but nothing is too good for my daughter!”

As Jenny didn’t said anything, she decided to take revenge from her father, as she started to her plot.

During the dinner, she invited everyone to her graduation, as she was on her final year. When the graduation arrived, she planned to tell the truth to her family. When her name was called, she went to the stage to spill the truth.

“I want to thank… ME for working really hard to pay my tuition with no help from anyone,” Jenny said at the stage. The audience weren’t expecting this, as she had a different story than what her father was telling.

A college graduate speaking on a microphone on stage | Source: Pexels

“Every late night, every double shift, every exam I aced… I did that. Without any help from him,” Jenny continued, as she pointed her father.

As Dan was nervous, before he left, “It was just a figure of speech,” he said. But the crowd was already knew the truth, and were murmuring with each other.

As her family approached to her, “We had no idea, dear. You should have said something.” They said.

A happy female college graduate being embraced by a man | Source: Pexels

“You really showed him, huh?” Her uncle had laughed.

“Yes, I suppose I did,” Jenny said with a smile, “But more importantly, I showed myself.”


Almada was a girl, in a household of boys, where she was the nly daughter of her family. As the brothers were the golden members of the family, she was not having the privilages they had. But she had her own plans, through education she would carve her own path.

A middle-aged couple looking behind their backs while seated on a bench | Source: Pexels

The family were shocked when Almada stated that she was leaving. Her father was furious while her mother was silent. She kept her voice in, and packed her belongings to sail in new seas.

As time passed, Almada forged her own family, wtih her baby in her belly, and her partner in her arm. As she was not expecting, her parents called her to rebuilt the bridges which were collapsed when she left her home.

An happy elderly couple embracing two of their adult children | Source: Freepik

As Almada noticed, her family were changed as they were ready to support her with everything they got. They wanted to be in her life, as they wanted her to be in their lives.

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