

Lydia was a psychiatrist, and her husband, Andrew was a pharmaceutical researcher. That day was their wedding anniversary, so they had booked a table in a fancy restaurant.

As Lydia was preaparing, she made a phone call with one of her patients, which Andrew said, “Can’t live a minute without work, can you?”, as they laughed together.

Woman Choosing Between Two Elegant Dresses | Source: Shutterstock

Lydia said, “And who’s reminding me about his conference later?” As she smiled. Since they didn’t wanted their children to be alone, Lydia called her cousin, Mary to babysit her children.

As they went to the restaurant, Lydia was surprised, when she saw a TV at there, as she said, “Why do they even have a TV in here?

“Takes away from the whole experience.” Andrew responded.

As they kept talking, Lydia heard from the TV that a house was surrounded by the police, which she was shocked. She said, “What a horror,” as she felt something bad.

As Andrew take a look at the screen, he went pale, his heart skipped a beat. He yelled, “Lydia, look!”

It was their house. They immediately left the restaurant and rushed back to their house. “We need to go,” Andrew said, as he left some money at the table.

They were horrified, as their calls were staying unanswered. She was scared so much for her children, as she was thinking about them. As they approached to their house, they heard the police sirens.

“What’s happening? Why us?” Lydia cried, with the view she witnessed.

Crime Scene | Source: Shutterstock

As they walked toward the officers, they informed the couple as, “Your cousin’s boyfriend has taken the children and your cousin hostage,”

“But why? How?” Lydia said, as she was with tears.
“He’s suspected of murdering his father,” the officer said, and continued, “We found the body yesterday. Now, he’s here, making one demand – he’ll release them if we prove his innocence.”

Andrew was shocked, “Why would he do this?” He said.

“He claims he saw who killed his father. But he’s armed and dangerous.”

“We need to get our children out,” Lydia cried, as she wasn’t thinking anything else than her children.

“Let me go talk to him. I’m a psychiatrist. I can convince him.” She offered her help.

“It’s too risky. We can’t allow it.” The officer said.

“They’re my children! I have to try,” Lydia begged to the officer.

“Alright, but you have 15 minutes,” Officer said.

As Andrew was worried, he said to his wife, “Please, be careful, Lydia.”

“I will. Tell the kids I love them.” Lydia said, and walked through her house, with a megaphone in her hands, as she called out the young man.

After minutes later, the young boy let Lydia in. As she went inside to her house, she stated, “Please, put the gun down. Let’s talk.”

“I want to help you. I’m here to listen, to understand. I’m a mother, familiar with fear and confusion.”

As she was looking at the gun pointed at her, she continued, “What’s your name?”

Killer with gun | Source: Shutterstock

“John,” the young man said.

“I know you’re scared,” Lydia said, as she moved a step closer to John.

John yelled, “Don’t!” And pointed his gun again to her.

She stopped moving, as she raised her hands, “I won’t. Just tell me, let me help.”

“Will you believe me?” John said, as he was in tears.

“I want to. Please, tell me,” Lydia responded.

Then John explained that someone murdered his father, and he saw the incident. “I tried to save him.” John said.

“What happened next?” Lydia asked to John.

“I was covered in blood, and police lights appeared. They think I did it. But I didn’t. I saw your husband kill him,” John said.

Lydia was shocked when she heard John. “What? Are you sure?” She said.

John was sure, “Yes, I saw him clearly,” he continued as, “My father had this with him. Take it, and help me. His name was Anthony. Our last name is Cooper.”

As Lydia was worried and wanted to learn the location of her children and cousin, she asked, “Where are my children and Mary?”

John said, “They’re safe,”

“Let them go, please.”

“Not until you prove I’m innocent,” John said.

“I believe you, but let them go,” Lydia said.
“No! Get out!” John forced her out.

As police officers took Lydia, she explained some of the situation and wanted two hours to resolve the situation.

Andrew approached to Lydia, and said, as he was worried, “Lydia, I need to go. My conference is about to start, and it’s crucial for my drug presentation.”

As Lydia didn’t wanted her husband to go, she nodded her head. Then the officers stated that she has one hour to resolve the problem.

She went inside her car, and started to research John’s father. Then she learned that Anthony had worked with her hysband, inside the same company. Then she drive her car to Anthony’s house.

She entered to the house, and started to research the place. She found a locked drawer. As she unlocked it with the key she received from John, she saw some research reports which were disturbing.

She learned that Anthony proved that the drug of her husband, Andrew was working on had a side effect, which it was highly addictive.

She thought that John might be right, as he might have killed Anthony. She then remembered the awkward behaviour of her husband, on the night before.

As she returned to her house, she was worried, and nervous.

She learned that the officers had arrested John, and saved her children and cousing, as they were all in perfect condition, and was scared with the incident.

As she started to wait for her husband, she had no idea how her husband would act that way. She couldn’t believe it.

“Ma’am, I need to inform you about John. He faces life imprisonment for the murder of his father and taking hostages.” An officer said to Lydia.

“Thank you for letting me know,” Lydia responded.

As she rushed towards her children and her cousin, Mary stated, “Lydia, I’m so sorry. I had no idea John was capable of something like this.”

“It’s okay. Everything’s fine now. There’s no need to worry.” Lydia said.

Then Lydia called Andrew, and informed him with the situation, as she said, “The police caught John. The kids are safe now,”

“That’s a relief. Everyone’s okay?” Andrew asked.

“Yes, but John now faces life imprisonment,” Lydia said, and added, “I believed what he said. He didn’t kill his father.”

“He’s a murderer, Lydia,” Andrew had said to Lydia, and continued, “He manipulated you. He deserves to be punished.”

“Okay, Andrew,” Lydia said, before she hung the phone.

She had prepared the findings she received from Anthony’s house, the gun and the documents. She thought that she should directly confront Andrew with the issue.

She went to the conference hall, where her husband was the speaker. After he talked about his drug, then it was time for the questions. When Lydia had received the microphone, she asked, “Is the drug completely safe?”

As Andrew was surprised, he said, “Yes, it’s safe,”

“Could it cause addiction?” Lydia continued.

“It doesn’t,” said Andrew, but the guests started to murmuring.

“Do you confirm Dr. Cooper opposed it due to addiction risks?” Lydia asked.
“The research was solid,” Andres said, as he was defensive.

Then she lift the documents in her hand, and stated, “These prove its dangers.”

“Where did you get those?” Andrew was shocked.

“Did you kill Dr. Cooper?” Lydia asked finally.

“That’s absurd!” Andrew said.

In seconds, Andrew tried to escape from the conference hall, but Lydia had talked with the security personnel, about the issue, and they were waiting ready at the doors.

After Andrew was arrested, Lydia wanted to talk about John, and the officer stated, “Murder charges will be dropped, but he’ll face charges for taking hostages.”

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