

A person had made a statement on the social media platform, X, as it is sad and weird to talk about a child free flight. And discussed with another user about, “pay more money to be on a plane without children.”

“So apparently airlines are considering making “child free zones” on planes, & I can’t decide if this is a dystopian shift or not, but generally it’s really sad how little tolerance people have for children & babies—even acting like they shouldn’t be in public.” They had stated.
“I’ve noticed people seem more annoyed with kids in public than I’ve ever seen before. Usually people see little kids and babies and smile or whatever but that’s seeming to slowly change. It’s weird and sad.” Was a response to this tweet.
“I will not tolerate a screaming baby next to me on a four hour flight’ and ‘It’s a great idea. I’m also in favor of obesity zones on airplanes.”
The debate had started, after Corendon Airlines had stated that they will be starting their adult-only flights, as there will be no children accepted on those flights.

The first child free flight will took place on 3rd of November this year, on the flights between Amsterdam and the Dutch Caribbean island of Curacao.
There will be a private section on the plane with, “by means of walls and curtains”, and it will “create a shielded environment that contributes to a calm and relaxed flight.”
“I’ve literally seen apartments flat out say they don’t accept tenants with kids. It’s disgusting.” Said a user after the news.
“I think some of it is driven by changes in parenting. Like when I was a teen, a lot of kids seemed pretty well-behaved. “ was a comment.
“But I see more and more young kids that are incredibly rambunctious and loud and the parents just sit their scrolling on their phones.”
“Having kids is already an isolating experience, before I had kids I never cared about other kids in restaurants or on airplanes. “
“But if they want people to reproduce isolation for moms is not a good look”
“Excuse some of us for not being delighted to hear other people’s crotch goblins shriek at the top of their lungs in a confined space. “
“Instead of bemoaning how people react to children’s poor behavior, focus on teaching your kids how to behave in public.”
“Last time I was on a plane , I thought, “I would pay more money to be on a plane without children” Almost every time I fly, which isn’t much at all, there’s a child crying the whole time.”
“I am on both sides on this one… If you have been on a plane with a toddler that the parents haven’t prepped ear equalizing items for them, you might understand.” Were some of the comments the news had received.
The Corendon Airlines had released a statement after the news that read as, “This zone in the aircraft is intended for passengers travelling without children and for business travellers who want to work in a quiet environment. “
“At the same time, the introduction of the Only Adult zone also has a positive effect for parents with children. “
“They don’t have to worry as much about possible reactions from fellow passengers if their child is a bit busier or cries.”
The founder of the Corendon Airlines, Atilay Uslu had stated that, “On board our flights, we always strive to respond to the different needs of our customers.”
“We are also the first Dutch airline to introduce the Only Adult zone, because we cater to travellers looking for some extra peace of mind during their flight.”
“We also believe this can have a positive effect on parents travelling with small children. They can enjoy the flight without worrying if their children make more noise.”
What do you think? Let us know.

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