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Michael had decided to kill Mrs. Jeggings, and stole her stuff, as he was thinking that she was already incredibly old, and she will die soon. He was just ending her suffering, as he thought.

It was dark, when Mrs. Jeggings was heading back to her house with her bags full of rolls. She was thinking of her late son, Nick, as she was walking down on the street.

She never stopped thinking of her son, even though she was getting older. She was talking to herself constantly about her son, whether she is walking alone, or she was working at her farm.

When she was asked that why is she talking to herself, she would say that she is talking to her son, who is in heaven.

As she was continuing to her walk, with thoughts of her son in her mind, someone called, “Excuse me, ma’am! My name is Michael. I need your help.”

As it was dark, and she couldn’t see who it was, she said, “Did you bring a friend with you today, Nick? But why are you quiet? Why is it that your friend is doing the talking?”

She was thinking that her son was talking to her.

As Michael come towards her, she was scared as he was not her son, he was a tall man who was in her 40s. “Who are you, and why are you following me?” Mrs. Jeggings said.

“I’m just a handyman, ma’am, I see you have a broken fence in your garden. May I repair it for you? I’m in desperate need of money because I haven’t eaten in days.” Michael said.

As it was dark, and she was alone with a frightening man, she had said, “No, there’s no need for that!”
She didn’t trusted the man. “I’ll get it repaired later because I’m busy.”
“Please, ma’am. I’m making a request. I’m starving and desperate for money. And I’m not asking for anything for free,” Michael, said as he kneeled.
“I’m willing to work in exchange. Please!”
She couldn’t resist, when Michael was so desperate. Mrs. Jeggings said, “Fine! But I’m not going to pay you anything more than $20 for it. Is that alright with you?”

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

“Indeed, ma’am. It’s more than enough for a homeless man like me!” Michael said, as he was readying himself to his terrible crime.
As he was deling with the fence, he also watched the neighborhood, waited to be late. He first decided to threaten her to get the land from her, and then, kill her and make it look like she had took her own life. Everyone would believe it, since she was having mental problems in the eyes of her neighbors.
He was going to come, as if he was a friend of her late son, who organized the funeral, and take the house.
After Mrs. Jeggings went inside, he decided to start. He had a knife in his hand, he decided to threaten her first. She went inside to her bedroom.
As he waited for her to leave her room for a while, she didn’t. Then he decided to enter to her bedroom from her window. As he entered, he saw the Mrs. Jeggings was not there. He saw her in the kitchen, preparing muffins and sandwiches.
For illustration purposes only | Source: Pixabay

Then he rushed towards the kitchen, but at that moment he saw an old photograph. At that moment, Mrs. Jeggings said, “Oh, here you are!”
“I was planning on calling you. Are you finished putting up the fence? Have something. You kept telling me you were hungry.”
Michael had hid the knife on his back, and asked for hte picture, “Where did you get that, ma’am? Do you know them?”
“Oh, are you talking about this photo? That’s my son, Nick, and his comrade Mike! Come, sit; I’ll tell you everything.” Mrs. Jeggings said.
As she started to tell the story of her son, Michael got shocked, as they went back to 20 years ago.
As it is revealed by the picture, Nick and Michael were best friends from the army, as they had faced a mortar fire, and Nick saved Michael’s life, as he lost his life during the process.
Mike left the army afterwards, and he was homeless since. He was living with the ghos of his friend, Nick, in his head.
For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

As he figured it out that Mrs. Jeggings was the mother of his friend, he was ashamed of himself, as he was about to commit a terrible crime against the mother of Nick.
He immediately turned himself in, as he was in an incredible guilt. As he was released from the prison, he had visited Mrs. Jeggings constantly, and became a son to her.
Mrs. Jeggings was 98, when she passed away. Her lawyer had called Mike and give him the information that she had left him an inheritance. “Did you really think I wouldn’t recognize you?” Was written on the note that Mrs. Jeggings left to Mike.
“Yes, at first I didn’t, but when I looked at you closely, I knew it was you, Mike! I knew you were going to kill me that day. I noticed you were following me with a knife. But look at you; you’re still the sweet young man Nick told me about.”
“You kept telling me that a friend died because of your actions. If I’m not mistaken, you were talking about Nick. I recall you had gone missing from the army, and everyone was looking for you. I wanted to meet you back then, but no one knew where you went.”
“Stop blaming yourself for what happened, Mike. Nick didn’t die because of you. If you’re reading this, promise me you’ll never return to a life of crime. Also, thank you for taking such good care of me. I’m glad we finally met. At least, I didn’t miss my son in my final days. I hope you live happily and never miss out on anything. With love, Mrs. Claire Jeggings.”
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