

After a year of service at the army, Daniel was home, as he arranged it, so he could surprise her sister at her wedding.

He excitedly waited for a taxi as he left the airport. He worked so hard to get a break for one week to surprise her sister at her wedding.

As their parents were deceased, Daniel felt responsible for his sister, and didn’t stopped when she became an adult. He wanted to close the gap between them that it created since they both became adults, and he moved with the military.

As the taxi arrived at the wedding location, he went in to the restaurant where the venue was helding. He had the lilies her sister loved, and saw her sitting at the table along with her husband, Gary.

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“Hello, sis!” Daniel yelled at her sister, as he moved forward her.

But her sister’s response was not what he expected, as she said, “How dare you come here after what you did, Daniel?”

“Wh-what did I do?” Daniel was surprised with his sister’s treatment.

“Stop playing games, Daniel!” She said.

“The vault…Mom and Dad’s inheritance for us…It’s gone!”

Daniel was shocked, when her sister, Margaret had stated that their late mother’s jewellry was gone from their vault, as she checked before her wedding. Only the siblings knew about the vault, and that led Margaret to think that Daniel took it.

“You better leave now, Danny. We’ll sort this out later!” Margaret kicked him out of the restaurant.

Daniel held her sister, as he said, “I didn’t take anything, Maggie! How could you even accuse me of that?”

Gary came, “Stop it, Daniel,” he said.

“Don’t ruin your sister’s big day. And please, leave now.”

As he was in pain with the situation, Daniel left the restaurant, and went into a motel.

On the next day, he went into the Bank, to talk about the vault. Then he learned from the woman at the desk that the vault was opened by the son of Mr. Goodwin. But Daniel was away, when that happened. He was shocked.

“Can you tell me who authorized it? Were any documents signed?” He said.

“Yes. The papers have a digital signature from D. Goodwin,” woman said, and added, “And a bank associate witnessed the access.”

“Someone must’ve impersonated me! I need to check the CCTVs.”

“Sorry, sir. We can’t allow you to access it.”

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Daniel said, “Look, this isn’t a typical situation,”

He slid a thousand dollars under the desk as he said, “Over half a million dollars have disappeared, ma’am. Please.”

The woman looked around and said, “Fine. But prepare another $200 for the security guard outside the video room,”

“What date and time are we looking for?” The guard said, as they entered the room.

Daniel said, “The 15th of last month. Around late afternoon,”

As the guard entered the date, he said, “Strange. The footage from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. that day is gone.”

“What? Who can access and modify these recordings?” Daniel asked.

“Basically, every security guard on duty and certain bank officials,” guard said.

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As he was shocked, Daniel left the bank, and saw that Gary was across the street. Then something had started on his mind, as he became suspicious of Gary, since he was working at the bank.

“Didn’t know you worked at this bank, Gary,” Daniel went towards Gary.

“Ah, Daniel!” Gary was nervous, he said, “What brings you here?”

“Isn’t it strange that the bank you work at, which houses the vault that only my sister and I know about, was emptied? And now the footage from that day is gone too.”

“Come on, Daniel. You’re connecting dots that don’t exist.”

“You expect me to believe it’s all a coincidence? Half a million dollars are gone, Gary! And I will get to the bottom of it! Wait for it!”

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Then Daniel went to her sister, as he saw that the curtains were closed and her sister’s car was not there. He decided to find a way into the house.

Then looked under the pot, as it was his sister’s usual place to leave the spare key. He went in and started to look around.

He checked everywhere, and found the watch of his mother in the back of the drawer.

Then he waited for her sister’s arrival. She came twenty minutes later. Daniel pointed the watch as he said, “Recognize this?”

Then continued, “This was in the vault, Maggie! Proof that Gary is playing games with us! He probably left it lying around because he didn’t know its value. It even has the engraving, so it’s clearly Mom’s!”

Margaret didn’t believe her brother as she said, “Are you serious, Daniel? First, you sneak into my house, and now you accuse my husband of theft?”

“Technically, it’s my house too…Basically, it’s our house, Margaret! He only moved in here with you!”

“Fine! You’re right about that, Daniel, but you are so wrong about Gary!” She was angry.

“Gary bought that watch for me! I was extremely upset when things went missing. I told Gary about it, and he bought a copy of Mom’s watch from a pawn shop!”

“Wait, but—” Margaret cut Daniel.

“He bought that, Daniel. Stop dragging Gary into this mess. Get the hell out of here!”

Daniel left the house, as he was sure that Gary was up to something. He wanted to find the truth, so he created a plan. He got a throwaway phone, and called Gary. He had said, as he changed his voice, “…Word has reached our circles that you possess a unique watch. Sir, that watch would complete my client’s collection. He is offering $200,000 for it,”

“Well, I’m not sure what you’re talking about,” Gary said, and added after a pause, “And I’m not interested in whatever it is.”

“The price is negotiable if that’s the concern, sir,” Daniel said, as he was still in role.

“What do you think?”

“I’m not in the business of selling personal items,” Gary didn’t bought the play. He added, “especially not based on unsolicited calls. So goodbye!”

Gary hang the phone, as the occasion left Daniel desperate. He thought that he should have offered more money.

After few days, his friend Tom had called Daniel, who was working at the auction house of the town. He said;

“You remember that watch you were obsessing over? I guess your mom’s? You found it at your brother-in-law’s house or something?”

“Well, guess what popped up in our inventory?” He continued.

“The watch? Mom’s watch?” Daniel asked.

“Yeah! Someone anonymously brought it in. Wants it evaluated and possibly auctioned. Thought I’d give you a heads-up.”

“Perfect, Tom! Thanks!”

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Daniel now thought that he got Gary. Then Daniel went to the bank, and mortgaged his house so he would play along at the auction.

He was sure that Gary was behind this, and wanted to catch him on the act. He carefully waited until the watch came for the auction.

As he was about to bid, a man had yelled, “$75,000!”

He looked and saw that a well dressed man and a woman were wanting the watch, as the woman’s eyes were shining.

As the bidding continued, Daniel couldn’t wait, and shouted, “$300,000! And that’s my final offer.”

As the wife of the man had wanted her husband to bid higher, the man didn’t.

Then the auctioneer said, “Going once… Going twice… And sold!”

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After the end of the auction, an attendant called Daniel, “This way, please. The seller is eager to complete the transaction,”

As Gary didn’t noticed Daniel, he was waiting for the money. When he saw Daniel in front of him, he was shocked.

Daniel said, “Surprised?”

Gary’s heart skipped a beat as he said, “Daniel??” he croaked. “This isn’t what it seems.”

At that moment, Gary rushed towards to the window to escape, but it was jammed.

“There’s nowhere to run, Gary!” Daniel shouted, “Just stop!”

As he was looking around, Gary grab the fireplace poker, as it was metal and heavy. “Stay back!” Gary shouted.

As he was about to attack Daniel, steps heard in the hallway. The officers had rushed towards Gary, and surrounded him. “No! This isn’t how it was supposed to go!” Gary shouted, as he was in despair.

Detective Martin, the man who talked with Daniel before the bidding had said, “Mr. Miller, drop the weapon. You’re under arrest.”

“You thought you were the smartest one, Gary. But the truth always catches up,” Daniel said.

The officers had taked Gary, and as Daniel was leaving the auction house, he saw his sister, Margaret.

“Daniel…” she said, “I came here to confront you. I found out about the house. But now…seeing this…”

Daniel hugged his sister as he whispered to her ear, “It’s OK, Maggie. It’s OK. He tricked you into it. It wasn’t your fault.”

Margaret was crying. “How could I have been so blind, Daniel? All this…under my nose?”

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“Look, the truth is out now, and we’ll get through this together, OK?” Daniel said, and continued, “We’ll get everything back, so don’t worry. And yeah, I forgive you. Family is all about forgiveness, Maggie. We falter, we make amends, and then we rebuild.”

“Thank you, Daniel. And I’m-I’m sorry,”

“Don’t thank me. Just promise me one thing: never doubt your family without knowing the whole story. OK?”

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