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Brooke Shields is the woman that Michael Jackson want to adopt a child with her. That, Liam Neeson had proposed to her two times.

Brooke Shields, circa May 1978 | Source: Getty Images

She had started her career as a child model. She had a stormy relationship with her mother. She was abused by her mother, and took her nude pictures for Playboy, when she was just 10.
Shields was born in 1965. She is known with her movies, “Pretty Baby,” “Endless Love,” “The Bachelor,” “Freeway.”
She had many troubles in her young ages. Her mother was the number one on that list. She was the single mother to Shields, and used her daughter to make profit.
In 2023, in an interview, she had stated, “[My mom] had this like crazy justification for things. She believed that as long as she was in my personal life, keeping me safe and virginal and pure and all that, that she was sparing me,”
She had published her memoir, “There Was a Little Girl,” and talked about her relationship with her mother.

Michael Jackson was a dear friend for her. She had stated that there was no romance between them, but they were close.
“I find it’s a love on a different level. I feel closer to him than some of the boyfriends that I’ve ever had,” Shields said for Jackson.

“He gave me the most incredibly beautiful ring than you can ever imagine.”
As she had stated, Jackson had asked her to adopt a children together. But she had stated that they were nothing more than really close friends.
She had revealed on her another memoir, The Brooke Book, how she had lost her virginity at the age of 22.

She had stated that, with Liam Neeson, she had started to date in 1992. She had a thing for his Irish accent, and talent as an actor. Neeson had proposed to her two times.
She had married with Andre Agassi in 1997, and separated after two years, in 1999. Later on she had started her relationship with Chris Henchy.
“I was at this level, and he was unfazed. He was so funny and so smart, and I just fell into him but never turned into anybody for him,” Shields said about Henchy.

Before their marriage in 2001, they had a separation that lasted for a short while, and reunited to their marriage. They are still together.
“I was calling him all the time, and he said, ‘You broke up with me, this is the way it works. You don’t get to call me every day, because you broke up with me. So don’t call me every day,'”

“I don’t want to lose this person, so I better behave.”
They had two daughters together, Rowan and Grier.

She had a seizure while she was performing. As she stated, “I get down to the bottom of the steps, and I start evidently looking weird, and [the people I was with] were like, ‘Are you okay?'”
She had stated that she tried to leave as she was performing, “no reason at all. I’m like, ‘Why am I out here?'”
“I don’t know them. Everything starts to go black,” she had stated.

Brooke Shields and Michael Jackson on February 26, 1993, in Los Angeles, CA. | Source: Getty Images

“Then my hands drop to my side, and I go headfirst into the wall.”
She had stated that Bradley Cooper was there when she woke up. “This is what death must be like. You wake up, and Bradley Cooper’s going, ‘I’m going to go to the hospital with you, Brooke,’ and he’s holding my hand…”
Brooke Shields and Michael Jackson on February 24, 1993, in Beverly Hills, California. | Source: Getty Images

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