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A woman had stated that her mother-in-law had tried to ruin the wedding of her friend, then she took revenge of her friend, as she ruined the dress of the mother-in-law. The woman had shared the story on Reddit.
The woman stated that her friend from the college was getting married.“A good friend of mine from university was getting married! They had been a couple since Junior year of college, through her 2 years in the peace corps and currently her return to this continent. 6 years in total. She had been to all manner of family functions and always came back with a strange story about how she thinks her MIL secretly hates her. But she being a very quiet and sweet person pushed those thoughts aside.”
Then, at the bridal shower of the wedding, some events had occured, related to the troublesome mother-in-law. “I was at the bridal shower when MIL found out the “pretty canopy” was actually a hoopa. She almost lost her shit in front of a bunch of people, but managed to compose herself and laugh angrily that “if the jews were being represented so would the catholics.” In my head I heard a record screech, guys… they aren’t catholic.”
As they got prepared for the wedding, the mother-in-law was lost, as people didn’t saw her. “We all show up, get our hair and makeup done. Slip into our bridesmaid dresses and hang out waiting for the bride to be finished with her hair. She makes a comment saying she hadn’t seen MIL all day and that she skipped her hair and makeup appointment. We all side eyed each other, took a few sips of wine and hoped the eerie feeling would go away.”
Then the MIL came, in her white dress, half an hour later. “30 minutes later as we are helping the bride into her dress; guess who shows up. If you guessed MIL, you win a cookie! Flushed from coming up the stairs, (she is not a light woman) in full hair and makeup…and a white dress. Not ivory, not cream, full snow-fucking-white. The dress was clearly a wedding dress; it was even from David’s Bridal (which she would later shout at me). Floor length satin with a sweet heart beaded top, a bit of a train and off white lace on the bottom. The dress was even tailored to her, this has been a long con she has orchestrated.”
Then she had decided to take the revenge of her friend. “The bride burst into tears and aunts and friends ushered MIL out. We did our best to console the bride, touched up her makeup, and I made her a promise that the dress would never be seen in a photo. She looked me dead in the eye and nodded. The game was on.”
She explained the revenge as, “With one last hard stare at my friend, I got her nod of approval. I pulled out my phone, held it in front of my face like I was reading a text and walked straight into MIL. I poured the entire cup of red wine down the front of her dress, jumped back and gasped.”
“The look on her face was murderous. She screamed, yelled, threatened, and promised she would sue me. People had to hold her back because she wanted to fight me. Eventually she switched from screaming to sobbing and sank to the ground and threw a tantrum on the floor. Everyone moved back and just let her go at it and walked away to go take photos. It was surreal, as if everyone just hit their limit and noped out from around her. The 12 year old flower girl whipped out her phone and snapped a few photos much to our amusement.”
Here are some of the comments of the Redditors.
“What the hell is wrong with that MIL?? What did her son say to all of this?? Girl, you are a hell of a bridesmaid!”
“I’m so used to just seeing people get away with shit. This is a very nice change of pace in that sense, to say the least. What a child that woman is… You did good.”
What do you think? Let us know.

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