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Jack was only speaking English, while Lola and her seven-year-old son Sam were talking both English and Spanish. One night, they were having their family over, where people were both speaking the both languages.

Sam was talking in both languages, as he was being charming and sweet in both languages. He was the star of the evening with the cute things he would say.

Then Sam started to talk about the adventures he is having with his father, about how they would play soccer, and how Jack would by him his favorite ice cream.

Smiling little boy licking messy chocolate from his face | Source: Getty Images

Then Sam talked about one time when his father took him to a shop, where they bought a ring for a woman. The room went silent, as they were shocked.

Lola’s sister was almost choking on her drink. Everyone turned to Jack, as they were shocked. As Jack noticed that something was wrong, “What’s going on?” He asked.

As Lola was confused with what her son said, “Jack, who is this woman and what ring are you buying?” She asked.

“What woman? What are you talking about, Lola?” Jack asked back as he was panicked.

As Sam sensed that he made a mistake, “Sorry, Daddy,” he whispered.

“Are you cheating on me, Jack? Is that what this is about?” Lola asked as she was holding her tears back, because she never thought that Jack would do something like this.

Young woman looking scared over isolated background | Source: Getty Images

As Lola’s family started to get angry and unhappy with the situation, “No, Mommy, Daddy didn’t do anything bad!” Sam tried to intervene.

“Buddy, can you tell everyone what you told Mommy about the woman and the ring?” Jack asked from his son.

“Daddy and I played soccer, and then we went to get ice cream. After that, we met Daddy’s friend, and they talked about a surprise for Mommy.”

As Jack nodded, he turned to his wife with relief, “Lola, my love, I can’t believe you thought I would cheat on you.”

Shocked young man portrait | Source: Getty Images

“I wanted to surprise you for our tenth anniversary. I went to pick out a ring with a colleague who knows a jeweler. It was supposed to be a secret, to make it special.”

As the whole room got relieved, Jack left the room, and returned with a beautiful little box, and a bouquet of flowers.

As he knelt, “Lola, these ten years have been the best of my life. I wanted to ask you again, in front of our families, if you will continue this journey with me. Will you marry me again?”

“Yes!” Lola said with tears on her eyes.

Excited young woman getting engaged | Source: Getty Images

The room filled with cheering for the family, as the misunderstanding situation turned out to be a great event.

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