

Barron Trump was born as a famous baby, thanks to his father, Donald Trump, who talked for 20 minutes to the media when he was born, and took his son to an interview with Gayle King for The Oprah Winfrey Show.

His mother, Melania Trump, had supported his creative side since he was born, and she didn’t said anything, when she saw that his floor at the Trump Tower, had walls that was drawn and “designed,” by Barron.

“In his space, the décor style of the rest of our home is mixed with what he is into: planes and helicopters,” Melania had said.

“We let him be creative; let his imagination fly and do whatever he wants. Whatever he wants to do with his own room later on, he can do it. Whatever he wants to do with his own room he can do it. He draws on the walls, we can paint it over.”

“When he was smaller, he started drawing on the walls,” his mother, Melania said.

“His imagination is growing and important. He draws on the walls in his playroom, we can paint it over. One day he was playing bakery and he wrote ‘Barron’s Bakery’ on the wall with crayons. He is very creative, if you say to a child ‘no, no, no,’ where does the creativity go?”

When it was 2016, and Trump had became the POTUS, his wife, Melania wanted to stay in New York for six more months, because she wanted her son to finish his school, as a source had stated.

“It’s Melania who wants to stay. She doesn’t want to take Barron out of school,”

James Devaney/WireImage

“She’s concerned that he won’t have the same relationship with new teachers that he has at Columbia Prep.”

“It is known for its diverse community and commitment to academic excellence,” Melania said after her move to White House, from New York.

“The mission of St. Andrew’s is ‘to know and inspire each child in an inclusive community dedicated to exceptional teaching, learning, and service,’ all of which appealed to our family.”
In 2017, The White House had released a statement for Barron, that people should give him some privacy.

“It is a longstanding tradition that the children of Presidents are afforded the opportunity to grow up outside of the political spotlight. The White House fully expects this tradition to continue. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter,”

As he was the son of the president, he was followed constantly, so Melania Trump, as a protective mother, had talked with the authorities.

“Melania has been incredibly protective of Barron and has told Donald she would not stand for him to be exploited by anyone, even his father! He made a promise to protect their son — and he broke it. There’s a good chance she won’t forgive him, and the next time we see them together may be in divorce court.” a source said.

“Barron has been asking some of his school friends to come visit him in the White House,” a report had suggested.

JNI/Star Max/GC Images

“He has said to his parents, ‘I hope there are bedrooms for my friends to come visit.’”

“Kids at his school are already planning sleepovers,”

It was in 2017, that Barron had wanted to show his friends The White House. Close to 80 students had attended to the trip.

“All the kids got dressed up,” the source continued.

“The girls were in dresses, and the boys wore khaki pants and button-downs. It was so cute.”

Secret Service agents and the teachers of the students had joined them on their trip.

The source had added, “They had a buffet lunch and a tour of the White House and met the president and the first lady, Melania Trump. President Trump gave them all a rousing speech about living up to your potential and being the best you could be for your country. Barron was really sweet. He was so excited to show his classmates around the White House,”

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