Life Style


Bob Hollis, a 40-year-old man had called from Florida, and learnt that his baby girl was born and he was awaited at the hospital.
At first he thought that it was a prank, but later remembered that his wife was in Florida, which he sent her while he was renovating their house.
They had three adopted children, as they wanted to adopt kids, and therefore the renovation was for.
As he had grew as a foster kid, adopting children was special for him.
He had said to his wife, in a conversation about adopting, that, “If I can help those kids grow up to be the best of themselves then I feel like I’ve made a huge difference,”
He also had two grown biological kids from his previous marriage. Which he was cheated on with a pool boy, and ended his marriage with his unfaithful ex-wife.
Two years later from his divorce, he met with Mary, and after dating for months, the two got married. They were having problems with pregnancy, but one day she got pregnant. And when the due day came closer, he thought that he should renovate the house since their family was going to grow larger.
But unfortunately, Mary lost her life on the birth. So that is why the hospital had called him to come and pick the baby, because she was a newborn. He rushed to the airport and went to the Florida to take his daughter.
As he was grieving with the loss of his wife, he needed to focus on his daughter and bring her back to home.
As he was waiting for his daughter outside the NICU, he had met with a volunteer, 82-year-old woman.
Mrs. Stick her name was. Bob said to her, “What happened?”
“Have a seat Mr. Hollis,” said the old woman.
“I’m better off standing” said Bob.
“I’m sorry for your loss Mr. Hollis, but your wife suffered some complications giving birth to your child.”
“As I understand you have come for the child, but I have to make sure that you have what it takes to care for one,” she said a while later, which she waited for Bob as he cried a little.
Bob had explained that he is father to children already, and the old woman said, “You’ll do,” and gave Bob her number.
“Call me if you need anything,” she offered her help if it was needed.
As he reached to the airport to return to their home, he was stopped as he was about the board the plane. A woman behind the desk had asked, “Is this your child sir?”
“Of course she is.” said Bob, and the woman responded, “I’m sorry but she seems too young to be on an airplane. How old is she?”
“She’s four days old. Now can I get through?” Said Bob.
“I’m sorry sir, but you’ll have to present her birth certificate and wait till she is at least seven days old before traveling with her,” answered the woman.
“What’s this?” Bob got angry.
“Are you saying I have to remain here for the next couple of days? I have no family here to stay with which is why I must get home today.”
“I’m sorry, it’s the policy,” woman said and called the next one in the line.
Bob had no one in Florida to go for, and he has to wait at least a couple of days for the birth certificate.
As he was looking for a place to stay at the airport, he had remembered that Meredith had gave him her number. He called her as he had no other options.
“Hello Meredith, I need your help.” Bob said on the phone.
As Meredith had learnt his situation, she immediately stated that she will come and take them from the airport.
“Compassion still thrives in this world,” he had thought, as he believed that if he was the one who got called, would refuse to take people in to his own home.
For more than a week, Bob stayed with Meredith. She had helped him with his daughter, and taught him some tricks to take care of the newborn baby. And she also helped him with his grief, about losing his wife, Mary.
Bob thought that Meredith is a real angel, as she had helped to retrieve Mary’s body to Texas, their hometown.
As he returned after taking his daughter’s birth certificate, he kept staying in touch with Meredith, as she had helped him a lot when he was in need of help.
He had visited Meredith with his daughter, until she had passed away a few years later from their first meeting.
A lawyer had contacted them about her funeral, and learnt that Meredith had left something to them from her inheritance.
In the name of Meredith, Bob had donated the money Meredith left to him to a foundation that he had founded with her children. In there, he had met with oldest daughter of Meredith, and a while later they fell in love and married.
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