

Myron said to Hilary at the party they meet, “You’re gorgeous!”

Hilary was already fallen for him, at first look. It’s been a while since she had received a compliment from a man, and she was feeling beautiful when Myron hold her hand, and looked at her eyes.

As she had some traumas from her ex-boyfriend, meeting with Myron had changed her opinion, and affected her traumas, in a good way.

As they had talked in the entire evening, they met on the next day, in a park. They talked about their interests, their aims in life and their problems. They liked talking with each other.

Myron said, “Hilary, I think you are the girl I have been looking for all this time,”

“Will you be my girlfriend?”

As Hilary was surprised, she was over the clouds. “What?”he said.

“Yes!” She screamed, “I’ll be your girlfriend, Myron.”

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

As she wasn’t aware that Myron was keeping secrets from her, Hilary was thinking that he was the one for her.

As she introduced Myron to her parents, they liked him too, as he impressed them. Myron stated that he lost his family at a young age, and Hilary’s mother said, “Don’t worry,”

“We are your parents now, okay? You can share everything with us. We’re always here to support you!”

One day, after months, Myron popped the question.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“Hilary, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to share all my happiness and sorrows with you. Will you marry me?”
“Yes!” She shouted, as she hugged to her fiance. She didn’t felt that something was wrong, when her boyfriend of five years had popped the question, as she was over the clouds with her happiness.

She didn’t felt that something was wrong, even though they were going too fast with their relationship.

But her parents didn’t liked the idea, as they were believing that it was too soon for them to be married. But after they talked with Myron, they changed their minds and accepted their marriage.

As they started to their wedding preparations, she started to notice that Myron was a man who was giving importance to materialistic thing in the world.

Once, Myron said, “I’m so excited about all the stuff people will bring us!”

“There’s going to be a lot of expensive gifts. I can’t wait!”

Hilary let that pass, as she didn’t want anything to happen before their big day. She thought, “I guess he’s just acting immature,” as she had no idea what Myron was planning.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Before their marriage, Myron come to Hilary and said, “I think we should have a prenuptial agreement. What do you suggest?”

As she thought for a while, Hilary said, “Yes, I think that’s a smart decision. We should be prepared for the worst.”

Myron responded, “Exactly!”

“I think we should add a clause that states that if you initiate a divorce, you would have to pay up a fortune!” He was laughing.

At first she thought that he was joking. But he was not. She talked with her lawyer about the issue, and her lawyer stated, “Don’t worry, Hilary. The same rule would apply to Myron if he initiates divorce.”

“He would pay me the same amount?”

“Yes,” the lawyer said, and added, “You don’t have to worry about anything. Most people add this clause to their prenup agreement.”

As Hilary was cleaning the house, some days after the incident, she found a divorce certificate with Myron’s name on it. She rushed towards him and asked, “What is this, Myron?”

“You never told me you were married!”

“Hey, calm down!” Myron said., “It’s not what you think. Trust me.”

“How much more are you hiding from me, Myron? We are getting married in a few days!”

Myron approached to her, and hold her. “Listen to me,”

“This marriage was a mistake. I was young and impulsive when I married this woman. It’s in the past now and means nothing to me!”

“Why should I believe you?”

Myron said, “I swear this marriage means nothing to me. All I want to do is forget about it, and that’s the only reason I never told you about it. Trust me, honey.”

Hilary cried, as she stated, “I’m marrying you in a few days, and I have no idea who you are!”

“I’m starting to doubt my decision now.”

As Myron hugged her, he said, “Come on,”

“You know how much I love you. Why would I ever lie to you, my love? Stop crying, please.”

A day before the wedding, Hilary heard Myron, while he was talking on the phone with someone. “If you mess it up, I won’t be able to vouch for myself!” He said.

After he hung the phone, she talked with him, “What you said sounded so suspicious!”

“What’s going on, Myron?”

Myron answered, as he was annoyed, “That was my ex-girlfriend,”

“She was threatening to show up at the wedding.”


“Yes.She has lost her mind or something.”

As Myron tricked her again, Hilary had a doubt in her heart. Even though she was suspicious of Myron, she continued with their wedding.

As she was getting prepared for her big day, she was excited, and worried at the same time. She left with her father, and started to walk down the aisle with her father.

As Myron took the hands of Hilary, the priest asked that if there are anyone who is against the marriage of this couple.

Then, an unknonw man shouted, “I am against this marriage!”

“I can’t allow Myron to marry this innocent girl.”

As the guest started to talk to each other with shock, the man continued, “I warned you, Myron, didn’t I?”

“You refused to listen to me, so now you must bear the consequences.”

Then the officers rushed into the church, and arrested Myron, as he tried to escape from them, once he noticed the officers.

Hilary was shocked, as she started to cry, she said, “Where are they taking him?”

She fell to the ground, as she said, “What have you done, Myron? Why don’t you stop them?”

Then she saw the man who cancelled the wedding, when she was awaken, “I’m so sorry for what you are feeling right now,” he said.

“The police arrested Myron because he was accused of repeated fraud.”

Hilary was shocked, “What?”

“But how do you know that?”

“I’m Myron’s estranged father,” the man continued, “You can call me Mr. Brown.”

“But he said his parents had passed away,”

Then Mr. Brown continued, “I know he keeps lying to girls,”

“He cut ties with me when I discovered he was a professional gigolo and was looting girls by marrying them for money.”

“What?” Hilary was shocked.

“I tried my best to stop him, but he never listened,” Mr. Brown said, and continued, “I had given up on him until the police knocked on my door one day asking me if my son lives here.”

“Myron had given my address everywhere because he knew the police would come after him,”

“I got so sick of this but knew he wouldn’t stop. His mother cheated on me the same way.”

Then Hilary asked, “It was you who called him yesterday?”

“He lied to me that it was his ex-girlfriend.”

“It was me,” Myron’s father said.

“I called him, but he didn’t listen to me. So I had to call the police.”

“Thank you for saving me, Mr. Brown!” Hilary said.

“I owe you for saving me from getting robbed.”

As Myron was charged with paying the money he stole from the woman back, Hilary received her share. Then she wanted to give the money to Mr. Brown.

“This is for you, Mr. Brown,” she said.

“Thank you for saving me!”

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