

Luke was eleven years old, when he missed his father terribly. His father, Andy, was the best friend he got. Together, they were doing tons of things, but what he missed more was the Friday night baseball games.

After his father’s passing, he never watched a game. His mother, Claire, was not different than her son, as she would cry whenever she sees the picture of her late husband.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Unsplash

One night, as he saw her mother, depressed again, Luke said, “But the living have to live on, mom,”

Claire said, “Do you think you’re ready for a new dad, Luke? Mom is not pressuring you, honey,”

Then, Luke said, “If I get a new dad, mom, will you be happy? If you’re happy, I am too,”

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“And yes, mom, Dad always used to tell me that life must go on. That’s how I understood I could be happy after Gran Molly left us. I loved her so much!”

As she was hesitating to introduce his new boyfriend, Mike to her son, Luke, she remembered the words of her son, “Living have to live on.”

She decided to introduce her boyfriend of two months to her son. As she liked Mike, she couldn’t escape from the thought that she was cheating on her husband, who was dead for two years.

At the day, when Luka met with her boyfriend, Mike, she was excited. Mike was really had a similar character to her late husband. At the dinner, he had helped Claire with the table and the dishes.

He smiled towards Luke, and said, “Luke, would you like to have ice cream? I was wondering if chocolate would be a good choice,”

“That’s mom’s favorite,” Luke said, and continued, “Mine too!”

“Alright then, chocolate it is! I like vanilla more, but I guess chocolate wins!” Mike laughed.

“Vanilla? That’s boring! Not cool, Mike!” Luke smiled.

“Same thoughts, actually. Gonna upgrade my favorite to chocolate now coz my two favorite people love chocolate,” Mike responded as he smiled.

As time passed, Luke and Mike created a great bond. They even started to watch baseball games together. They were having fun trips every week.

As they were happy together, Claire popped the question to Mike, as she was sure that she wouldn’t have any problems with her son and Mike, and Mike said, “YES!”

Luke was happy, as he hugged his mother and mike, he said, “Yay! So I get to call you dad now!”

“But, Mike, I hope you don’t mind, but my late dad will always be my favorite person. I loved him more than anyone else.” Luke added, as Mike responded, “No issues, champ, I don’t care if I come in first or second. I’m glad you and Claire are here with me.”

When the bid day arrived, and it was time for Claire to walk down the aisle, Luke said, “You know I’m going to walk you down the aisle, right, mom? I want to do this,”

As she was emotional, Claire said, “Of course, you can do it, honey. I’d love to see you do it,”

As mother and son were walking down the aisle, Luke pulled a box out of his pocket and hand it over to his mother, as he said, “Dad wanted you to open this now, mom,”

“But before you open this, mom, I have to tell you something…” He continued as he pulled the letter from his other pocket, as he said, “Dad wrote it when he was in the hospital. I’d like to read this.”

Then Luke started to read the letter of his father,

“Luke, I know your mom will always love me as much as I love you both. But one day, she will bring another man to our house, and that’s okay. Your mom has the right to be happy, and so do you, but you have to ensure he’s someone who cares for you and her. And if he is that man, then I already respect him. And you have to respect him too. But you must be the one who tests his attitude toward you, his genuine intentions, and who leads her down the aisle where this man will be waiting for her. You must choose the best man for your mother! Now you can open that box, mom…”
As the letter of Andy made everyone drown in tears, Claire opened the box her son gave to her, and started to read the letter, as she saw Andy’s wedding ring.

“”I’m sure Luke chose the best man for you. I love you and always will. Knowing you, I’m sure you’re feeling bad about moving on, and I know how to get you out of it. Please put the ring on your future husband’s ring finger. Let him always remember that you can only be the wife of a strong and true man!”

As she finished the letter of her husband, Luke said, “Mike deserves it, mom, I know he’ll be the best dad to me…and he’ll love you, just like dad did. Thank you for that, Mike!”

As everyone was crying, including Mike, he said, “I will never let you down, champ. I promise,”

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