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A bride was shocked with the humiliating speech of her family, at her wedding. It was supposed to be her best day, most joyful day, but thanks to her family, her best day was ruined.
The bride had shared her story on Reddit’s r/TrueOffMyChest subreddit.
She had explained that her marriage was on the September. And as she stated, it was a disaster. Then she had explained that at her culture, it is important to share the speech of your parents at the wedding. There are some slide shows, and some videos are being shown at some point of the wedding.
Then she had explained that, “The thing is, I am very insecure of myself. I used to be the short and fat friend when I was a teenager, and therefore I would get bullied by other people in school. Now, I got way more skinner, but I am still so self conscious about my body and my husband has to constantly remind me that I’m pretty no matter what.”
As she once was at a wedding with her family, she saw that there were some goofy and embarrassing moments of the couple, and she had stated that it was cute, but wasn’t expecting the same humiliating thing that would happen in her own wedding.

A bride and groom outdoors | Source: Unsplash

Then her father and the bride had talked, “My dad then told me that I was being unreasonable, that I shouldn’t be the only one having fun on my wedding, everyone should have. I tried to argue saying that it would be MY wedding and yes, I should be the one having fun the most, but that arguing got quickly shot down.”
Then she had talked with her family about embarrassing pictures. “Fast forward to a month ago, before my wedding, I reminded my whole family that I would not tolerate a video displaying embarrassing pictures from my fat teenage years. They could show any other picture other than those. My parents promised that they would not show those pictures, but that I was being pretty stupid since those were old pictures and people wouldn’t even remember them after the wedding.”
Then, at the wedding, her family had broke their vows, and released the humiliating pictures of the bride. “Then, about a week ago at my wedding, they broke that supposedly promise they made. Embarrassing pictures of myself showed up in the video, pictures like me eating lots of junk food, making weird faces or just pictures of me that I would never show anyone.”
Then her husband’s pictures were shown, but they were not humiliating. “The photos of my husband from he was young were pretty cute and innocent, and no one laughed at them. But mine where degrading and disgusting in every way. Everyone started laughing. It felt like reviving the trauma from when I was a teenager and people would laugh at me, so I immediately started crying.”
A depressed woman hides her face with her hands to conceal her pain | Source: Unsplash

She started to crying a lot. “My husband saw me but did nothing, since he thought those were joy tears. When I started crying even harder, he got pretty worried and started asking what was wrong over and over again while holding me. I tried brushing it off saying I was fine, and right after I said so, the video ended and the speech came up.”
Then the thing that tipped everything off, was her mother’s speech. “Both my husband and I couldn’t pay that much attention to what my relatives were saying, until my mom started speaking up. The last straw for me was when she said: “Well, we’re all so happy to be here. We never thought Ms. Piggy would get married, we all thought she would end up alone living in a cheap rented house with all her 4 smelly cats!”.”
Her husband had followed her, when she had stepped outside of the wedding. “As soon as I heard that I got up and walked out from my wedding and went outside the building where we were hosting the party in. My husband followed me and hugged me while I was crying and screaming nonstop.”
As she was devastated with the behaviour of her parents, they also accused her as being an unreasonable person. “I’ve never felt so disrespected before, and I didn’t expect my family to be the ones disrespecting me. After a good 10 minutes my whole family and some of my friends came out from the building, looking for me. My parents were fuming, screaming at me for walking out of the party, saying I was being the one to blame for all this since I should’ve just suck it up and let them finish their speech without making such a scene.”
A bride crying on the floor as she leans on a bed | Source: Shutterstock

She had concluded as, explained that her husband had defended her. “Some of my relatives also backed them up, which made me feel even worse. My husband started screaming back at them, saying that what they did was so uncalled for, and to get out before he starts punching every single of them. I went back home with my husband three hours after all that argument happened, and cried all night long. We’re going to travel for our honeymoon tomorrow, but I’ve been a complete mess since then. They haven’t apologized and I don’t think they are going to do so. What should I do now?”
Here are some of the comments from Redditors.
“If someone threw a drink at the mother then and there, I probably would have clapped. That awful hag absolutely deserved it.”
“I’d have “tripped” into the video equipment and cut the video. The whole family are disgusting and OP needs to cut contact for her own good.”
“First of all, congratulations on your marriage to a good person. Secondly, I agree that your family is toxic and that you should cut ties. Doing so will give you and any children you may have safety from them. The world is in a precarious place right now and life is hard enough without their abuse so please work on your happiness and put your efforts into making the world a better place.”
What do you think? Let us know.

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