

Nancy was waiting for her time to go, as her shift was about to be over. She was exhausted that day, as she was a hardworking nurse. She was sitting behind her desk, and trying to fight away her sleep.

Suddenly, she saw a shade at the enterance. It was raining outside. With the lightning, there were some light at the enterance, and Nancy saw a pregnant woman who was soaking wet waiting outside.

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“Oh god, are you OK?” She rushed towards the pregnant woman.

“My-my water broke…” the pregnant woman couldn’t speak, “I’m Rosaline.”

Nancy said to Rosaline, “OK, I need you to relax, Rosaline,” and helped her as she walked her to a room. Then it turned out that Rosaline was only 18 years old.

After the arrangements were made, it was time for birth.

“Young mommy, huh?” Nancy smiled, “Don’t worry; we got you! Push!”

In seconds, the screams of Rosaline stopped, and a baby cry was heard. She had a son.

“Steven…That’s what I’ll call him,” Rosaline said, as she hugged to her baby boy.

“After his father?” Nancy asked.

“No, not at all. It’s in honor of my friend,” Rosaline said.

“Alright, Mommy and baby Steven, rest now, I’ll go finish the paperwork, and if you need anything, just press the call button, and I’ll come over, OK?”

Then Nancy left the room, as she left mother and son alone for rest. On the next morning, Nancy wa shocked, because Rosaline was gone, as she left her son in the room.

As she walked towards Steven, she found a note, which was written, “Nancy, please take care of Steven. I was compelled to leave him, but I will come back. I’ve left the diamond as security. When I return, I will give you $100,000 and take Steven back. Don’t involve the police or seek the truth. Just take care of my son. Please.”

For illustration purposes only | Source: Shutterstock

In his cot, Steven was sleeping in peace. After Nancy informed the authorities about the incident, she was sure that Steven was going to be sent to foster care, so Nancy volunteered to care Steven, as she talked a lot and after many paperworks, the arrangements were made.

As Nancy couldn’t leave Steven alone, after what Rosaline asked for, she had some problems while parenting. She had some sleepless night.

But she was forgetting everything after looking at Steve, as he was a lovely boy. As she was afraid of letting Steven go, after a year, she was relieved that Rosaline would not return.

Two years passed by quickly, as Nancy was loving Steven as if he was her own. She never felt like he was an adopted boy.

At the third birthday of Steven, Nancy threw a party for her son. As she prepared the house with decorations, and she baked the cake, she heard the knock on the door.

“Coming!” She yelled, and opened the door. She was shocked, she recognized the woman who was standing at her doorstep.

“Rosaline?” She said.

“Hi, Nancy,” Rosaline said. “I’m sorry I didn’t keep my word. I was supposed to return in a year, but—”

“What are you doing here?” Nancy cut her.

“Steven…my son…I’m here for him. Here,

“$300,000. I promised $100,000 for a year, but it’s been three years, so here’s your $300,000.”

“I don’t want any money, Rosaline,” Nancy said, “You can’t just abandon a child and then come back three years later as if nothing has happened.”

“Look, I…I understand. And I’m truly sorry. Please hear me out. I can explain why It took me so long…” Rosaline said, as she started to talk about past.


As Rosaline wake up in the morning, she was feeling the morning sickness and had fatigue. As she thought that she was sick, later she thought that she might be pregnant.

As she took a test, she saw that she was pregnant, at the age of 17. She was pregnant from a one night stand. She wasn’t even remembering the man she had sex with. She was too drunk.

As she was crying, her mother hugged Rosaline, “It’s OK, honey…”

“Pack your things and get out of my house! You’re a disgrace to this family, and I don’t want to see you.” Her father was mean, when he learned that Rosaline was pregnant.

“Dad…” she tried to talk, “I…I was—”

“I don’t want to hear a word from you!” Her father shouted, By morning, you should be gone from here!”

That night she packed her belongings, and she left. As she didn’t had much money, she booked a motel room for the night. She tried to find a job for herself.

As she had some lowly paying jobs, she was able to feed herself, and was living in a studio apartment.

As she was trying to find a more paying job, she saw a sign at an antique shop, “Need an employee.”

As she entered to the shop, she saw a man, who was named Steven.

He said, “You seem interested in these,”

“I’ve always found history fascinating.”

“Well, I’m actually looking for someone to help around the shop. It’s a decent pay. Would you be interested?” Steven asked to Rosaline.

“Yes, sure!”

“Great then! You can start tomorrow!”

Steven had helped her whenever Rosaline asked for. But she was having questions. She was not sure if the job Steven paying her for was enough for her child or not.

As she was thinking one day, she heard the bell at the enterance.

“Sorry, we’re closed…” she said, but she was shocked when she looked towards the door.

“Hands up! Don’t scream, and don’t move!” A man with a mask had shouted at her, as he was pointing a gun to her.

At first she was thinking to push to the button to set the silent alarm on, but she decided not to. “Listen, I won’t call the cops. Just… just go!” She said.

The man didn’t listened Rosaline, and kept collecting things. After he left, Rosaline picked the things that the thief left, and buried them to a place to take them later. Then she came back, and pressed the button.

As she had no intention to steal from Steven, she thought that she had no idea that a thief would come and open a way for her. After some minutes later, police had arrived. She explained that she was not in a good position to press the button, but she did whenever she was available.

On the next day, she went to the location she buried her loot, and took them home.

As she was feeling guilty, the things she stole were worth $800,000. She was trying to comfort herself, as she was saying to herself that she did for her children.

Some weeks later, Rosaline saw that Steven was happy. “What’s the good news, Steven?” She asked.

“You seem to be in a good mood!”

“Ah, we have to celebrate, Rosaline!” Steven said, “The police nabbed that robber. Apparently, he’d been involved in several other thefts around town. They’re planning to search his place soon. Hopefully, they’ll recover our stolen items, and if not, the insurance will compensate us!”

Her heart skipped a beat, as she was afraid. The things she took was not at the thief’s house. As she didn’t wanted to risk her child, she decided to abandon him.


“I had come to realize I would not be able to raise my child in those circumstances, so I left him. But I’ve missed him all these years. What I did…it was for him!” Rosaline said to Nancy.

“The ends don’t justify the means,” Nancy said. “And over the past few years, Steven has become my heartbeat, my son in every way that counts. I can’t and won’t let him go. Why are you no longer worried about your past? Of getting caught?”

“I removed every trace of it in the last three years,” Rosaline said. “And Steven is my child, Nancy. My blood. Do you really think you can stand between us?”

“It’s not just about blood. It’s about time and care, too. Now, please leave my house. I’m not letting you take him away.”

Rosaline stated that she would take legal action if Nancy doesn’t work along, and left.

Nancy didn’t wanted to leave her son, Steven. Then she remembered the diamonds Rosaline gave her, she kept the diamonds all the time.

She then rushed to the police station, and explained the story. “By tracing the serial number on the diamond, we can track her down and hold her accountable,” the detective said to Nancy.

After that she left the station, as she was thinking that she did the right thing for her son, Steven.

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