

As she was cleaning the house, Miriam found her husband’s wedding ring in the closet drawer. As she found the ring for several different times, she couldn’t understand why her husband was leaving her ring at home.

She called her husband, Jack, about the issue, but couldn’t reach him. So she decided to call his office, and his secretary opened, “Mrs. Parker? Good afternoon!”

“How is Mr. Parker doing now? We hope he’s better. Anything I could do for you?”

Then Miriam said, “Uh, yeah, Jack…he’s fine. I’m sorry, but did something happen at work? I mean, he doesn’t tell me if he is stressed about work. You know, he doesn’t want to bother me.”

“Oh… nothing unusual I can think of, ma’am. But Mr. Parker works unusually hard anyway. He’s a great businessman, but he needs to prioritize his health. I hope he gets better soon and returns to the office. We’re all waiting for him. You know, not seeing him for the past several days feels very…weird. Mr. Parker always greeted me right when he walked into the office!” The secretary said.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Miriam was devastated, as she learned that her husband didn’t went into his office for days.

She laughed, as she pushed herself, “Oh, yeah. Classic Jack!”

“He’s…well, a workaholic. He’ll be back soon, by the way. He’s doing much better now. I was just calling on his behalf to ask if everything’s okay at work. Anyway, it was nice hearing good things about him. Thank you. Have a good day.”

After she hung the phone, she sat down, as she was sad that her husband was lying to her face. She waited for her husband the whole day, but time was so slow. Then her phone ranged with a message sound, it was Jack. He wrote, “Hey, honey. Don’t wait up for me today. Something came up at work, and I’ll be late. So sorry :((”

She didn’t wanted him to notice something, so she resonded as her usual behaviour as, “It’s okay, babe. See you later…”

As she decided to wait for Jack, so she would confront him, she opened her eyes to the sun, shining through the window. As she moved to her bedroom, she noticed that her husband was not there. As the bed was staying the same as it was yesterday, she thought that Jack didn’t came home last night.

Then she felt the coffee smell that was coming from the kitchen. As she went downstairs, she saw Jack, in the kitchen cleaning the dishes of his breakfast.

“Oh, morning, honey!” Jack smiled. Miriam saw that Jack was wearing his wedding ring.

Miriam asked, “You…in a rush today?” As she was looking at the breakfast table Jack had preapared.

“Yeah, honey,” Jack said, “I’ve got a ton of things to take care of at work. And you were sleeping like a bear, so I decided not to wake you up,”

He continued, “Instead, I made your favorite: Scrambled eggs!”

“Uh, well, thanks, Jack. But I wanted to talk to you about something. I was—” but Jack cut her words, as he said, “Sorry, babe. Don’t hate me, but I really am running late. Can we please put a pin on it?”

“Look, I promise I’ll try to be home on time so we can talk about whatever it is. Alright? But right now, I really gotta go. Please. Excuse me,” he went to the upstairs.

As Jack was leaving, he came to the kitchen, kissed her, and left to upstairs again. Miriam had relieved when she saw that Jack was wearing his ring. But he come down with his winter gloves on.

She rushed to upstairs as Jack left, and checked the drawer, and saw that the ring was there. “Oh, God! This can’t be…” she said to herself.

She immediately dressed, and decided to follow Jack. As she left the house, she walked for a few streets, and saw her husband, waiting at the bus stop.

She boarded the bus her husband stepped in, through a different enterance. She tried to be cautious about her presence at the bus, to not notice her husband.

She left the bus at the same stop with her husband. She followed him, as they were miles away from their house. Jack approached to a small house, and knocked the door.

A young woman opened the door, as she was at least 20 years younger than Jack. She was devastated, her stomach was aching with the anxiety and stress she was in. Then Miriam saw her husband, Jack, while kissing the woman.

As she wanted to storm inside, and caught Jack on the act, that would destroy their marriage. As Miriam didn’t wanted her husband to leave her for that young woman, she decided to stay silent.

She then went to a cafe nearby, which was seeing the house her husband went in, and waited for her husband, Jack to leave. As he left, she went to the house, and knocked the door.

The woman opened the door, “Yes?” she asked with a smile. “Can I help you?”

“Hi, uh…I’m Miriam. You don’t know me, but…Look, I won’t beat around the bush. I saw you with my husband, and I know what’s going on between the two of you. Can I come inside and talk?” Miriam said.

“Excuse me?!” The woman was angry.

“Well, I think you’re at the wrong address, lady. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

As the woman was shutting the door, Miriam stopped it.

“No, wait! Please! Jack. The man you’re dating…his name is Jack, right? He’s my husband. And I’m his wife of 20 years,” Miriam said, as she showed Jack’s wedding ring.

“He is not who he’s pretending to be. Jack is cheating on me. And he’s keeping you in the dark! Look,”

“He’s been taking the ring off before leaving for work.” Miriam continued.

The woman gasped, as she said, “OMG! I…I can’t believe this!”

“So…he’s been lying to me? I’m sorry about this, I am. I had no idea, I swear…you have to believe m—?” The woman continued.

“Look. I don’t want to create a scene here. I’d like to come in first,” Miriam said, before the woman let her in.

Then the woman stated that her name was Tessa, and listened Miriam’s story.

Miriam said, “I love him. I really do,”

“We had built a happy life for ourselves, and I’d never thought I’d see a day like this. I—I didn’t have the slightest doubt he would do something like this until…I was doing the laundry this afternoon. I still can’t believe I’m here, talking to you.”

Tessa responded, “I—I don’t know what to say either…”

“We actually met at a bar. Six months ago. I was with a few work friends, and Jack just approached me and asked me if I’d like a drink. He wasn’t wearing a wedding ring, and I thought he was single. I found him very charming, and while I don’t usually accept favors from strangers, I don’t know why…I thought, what harm could one drink do?”

“”But then we met again a week later…at the same bar. And I learned our offices were close by. We began meeting every day and went from being acquaintances to ‘friends.’ But we both knew whatever was between us…was definitely not just friendship.”

Tessa concluded as, “The way he looked at me, and the way I felt for him…I’m sorry,”

Miriam stated, as she cried, “I know he’s your husband, but I couldn’t stop myself from falling in love with him. And…I know he loves me too.”

Miriam continued, “Look, Tessa,”

“I’m not blaming you. I know you were not aware that Jack is a married man. And I—I am not judging you for anything that you did. But you have to understand that whatever you have with Jack has to end. He has a home. A family. A wife and an 8-year-old son. You can’t destroy someone else’s family. You don’t have that right.”

“I’m not destroying anyone’s home,” Tessa said, as she looked at Miriam’s eyes.

“It’s not my fault if Jack doesn’t love you anymore, Miriam. I love Jack like I’ve never loved anyone before, and I know he feels the same. You may have been married to him for a thousand years, but what’s the point of marriage when there’s no love? He clearly won’t love you as much as he loves me. So…maybe it’s you who should back off and not me?”

As they started to argue, they heard a voice, “Who are you?”

When Miriam looked at the kitchen, she saw a little girl, with blue eyes. Eyes like Tessa. Then she noticed that the girl was bald.

“When are we going to start watching cartoons?” The girl said to Tessa.

“Are you joining us? Hi, I’m Lily,” she turned to Miriam.

“We’re almost done here, sweetie. How about you go inside and wait? I think you should leave, Miriam,” Tessa said.

As Miriam was confused, she asked, “Is she your daughter?”

“That’s none of your business,” Tessa didn’t liked the question.

“Please leave. Don’t show up here ever again. Goodbye.” She led Miriam to the door.

“I see she has cancer,” Miriam tried to hold Tessa’s hand, but Tessa didn’t liked it. “Don’t touch me!” she hissed. “Just leave!”

“I can help you,” Miriam continued, “If you leave my husband, I’ll pay for Lily’s treatment. Fully,”

“I received an inheritance from a distant relative, but Jack doesn’t know about it. $100,000. That’s a rough approximation that I’ve received after the deduction of taxes and everything. And I’m ready to give it to you in cash if you do as I say.”

Tessa started to cry. “Make a wise choice, girl,” Miriam said.

“I know the money I’m offering you would be enough for Lily’s chemotherapy and for the two of you to start a new life in a new city! I can bring the money to you tomorrow! So…what do you think?”

As Tessa was crying, she nodded. Miriam said, “Well, then, I’m guessing it’s a yes!”

“You made the right choice, young lady! Trust me; you won’t regret it. So…I’ll meet you at two tomorrow. I hope that works?”

After a several days later their meeting with Tessa, Miriam noticed that Jack was leaving the house with his wedding ring. She was relieved.

But on the next day, she saw the wedding ring of Jack in the drawer again. She was shocked. Then Miriam decided to go to Tessa’s house again.

“Mmm—Miriam?! What—What are you doing here?” Jack said, when he saw Miriam at the door.

Miriam was angry. “What am I doing here?!”

“God, you can’t be serious! Has your office changed locations? It’s time for you to give me the bloody answer, Jack! How the hell did you end up here when you were supposed to be at work?!”

“Jack, who’s there?” Said a voice, then Miriam saw that it was Tessa speaking.

Miriam turned to Tessa, and said, “Wow! So this is how you follow through on your words?”

“You manipulative homewrecker! How dare you return here after you promised me you’d leave this town forever?! You thought I was a fool and I’d never get to know? Huh?!”

Jack said, “Do you know each other?”

“Where were you supposed to go, Tessa? What’s going on?”

Then Tessa said, “Your wife came to meet me four days ago after you had left, Jack. She wanted me out of your life in exchange for $100,000. She bribed me. Said she would pay for Lily’s chemotherapy if I left you. And I did agree. But—”

“What the hell?! $100,000?” Jack said, as he was shocked.

“Where did you get all that money from? And you bribed her?”

“Look, Miriam, you’re a good woman,” Tessa continued, “And yes, I should have done as you said. I wanted to!”

“Then what the hell are you doing here?! I had asked you to leave us, Tessa! And you…here you are! With my husband! In your goddamn house!” Miriam said.

“Look, I’m sorry, Miriam. I tried, okay? I really tried! But…I couldn’t stop loving Jack. I couldn’t just forget him and move on…I love him more than anything. And he loves me, too. So I had to come back. I couldn’t stay away from him.” Tessa continued.

Miriam was crying, she said, “You heard her, Jack, didn’t you?”

“She claims to love you! Come on, Jack! You know we’ve been married for over 20 years! And this girl thinks she can win you over in just a few months. End years of our love and trust in each other! For God’s sake, come home with me! Okay? She…she is 20 years younger than you, Jack! Don’t do this! I’ll forgive you for everything! Just come with me! Please! Why destroy our happy family for her?!”

“Well, if you already know everything, I think this question becomes even easier to answer,” Jack said.

“I respect you, Miriam…as a woman, as my son’s mother…I appreciate everything you do for us. You are very special to me, but the special thing between us cannot be termed love anymore. We both know that. I love Tessa. And I don’t feel the same way for you.” He said.

“Oh, please, Jack! Don’t you give me that nonsense!” Miriam was angry.

“Do you think sleeping with a woman you only met six months ago is love?! Snap to your senses for our family’s sake, Jack! What is our son going to think of you when he grows up?!”

Jack sighed, as he stated, “I will support you and Harry after we divorce. And that’s all I can do for you right now. Forget me and move on…This relationship is killing both of us,”

“I don’t want to force it on you, and I feel suffocated that I have to look for ways and lie to you to spend time with Tessa and Lily. I…I think I’ve answered what you wanted to know, so please let me go.”

Miriam started to yell, “Oh, God! Can’t you see what she’s trying to do?!”

“I can’t believe some young spinster brainwashed you. But well, if you think I’ll stand here and beg, that’s not going to happen, Jack. And you, I want my money back!”

“Every penny!”

Tessa responded, “I—I don’t have it with me now,”

“You don’t have it? What the hell do you mean?! You didn’t keep your word, so you better get me my money!”

“I will get you the money, Miriam, but…” Tessa’s eyes started to get wet, and she continued as, “I need some time. I already paid for Lily’s expensive treatment and chemotherapy. Sorry. I promise you I’ll pay back every penny I owe you,” she said, as Jack patted her on her shoulder.

“She’s saying she’ll pay you back, Miriam. Stop harassing us!” Jack said.

“Didn’t she make another promise which she failed to keep? How dare you spend my money and then show up at my door?” Miriam said.

On the next days, many things changed in Miriam’s life, as she was now living alone, as Jack moved in with Tessa.

But Miriam was sure that she couldn’t let Jack go without any scene, as she had a revenge plan on her mind.

She bought a poison from the deep web, which was impossible to trace it in the blood. She couldn’t wait to poison Tessa. One day, Jack arrived at their house, so he would spend time with their son, Harry.

Miriam said, “So…where are you both planning to go? I want Harry to be home safe and before 8,”

“Really, Miriam? You think you’re leaving him in inexperienced hands? Are you doubting my parenting? I’m his Dad!”

“You’re getting me wrong, Jack. I never said that,” Miriam said.

“It’s just that…I’m worried, okay? Come on. As his mother, I deserve to know where he is going.”

“To the zoo,” Jack said.

“Tessa is going to the gym today after work, so Harry and I will take her gym bag with training stuff to her, and after that, we’ll go to the zoo while she’s at the gym. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to use the bathroom.”

“Okay, fine. Yeah, sure. You know the way,” Miriam responded.

As Jack went into the bathroom, Miriam rushed towards his car, and poured the poison to the Tessa’s gym sipper, which was sitting on the backseat.

Then she waved her son, as they were leaving. “See you soon, baby!”

As she was waiting for the news of Tessa’s passing, her phone rang. It was Jack. “Miriam, please come to the city hospital now!” Jack was in shock.

“I’m taking Harry there! I—I don’t know what happened, but he said he was thirsty, and I only had Tessa’s sipper in the car, so I asked him to have water from that. And Harry…he just passed out. He’s not responding…I tried everything! Please come to the hospital!”

As Miriam dropped the phone, she started to cry uncontrollably, as she knew what she had caused.

What do you think? Let us know.

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