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After a break-up, Denis got a dog to focus on, to keep his thoughts away from himself, Miso. It was the perfect opportunity to forget the past, and focus on something new. And he moved into a new neighborhood, which was seemingly perfect.

A dog sitting on grass | Source: Pexels

“It’s going to be good for you,” Connie, Denis’ friend said. She was helping him unpack.

“I hope so,” Denis said. “I need something different. A change of scenery.”

Then Connie said that Denis was lucky to live alone, while she was living with her roommates. “They are insufferable people,” she said. “You’ll never find our sink clean! And the washing machine always has clothes in it. I don’t know whether they’re clean either.”

“Really, Denis,” she continued while Denis was laughing. “This is good. You’ll learn how to be responsible for yourself. And Miso, too.”

As days passed, Denis started to get used to take the garbage out, and wait for Miso to deal with his own business.

One morning, as he was awaken, he saw his lawn was filled with garbage of the last night. At first, Denis thought that Miso had spread the garbage while playing, but they were not from inside of the house.

Dirty dishes | Source: Pexels

“The kids are probably trying to figure out who the middle-aged man is, huh?” Denis said to Miso when he took him for a walk.

Few days later, he found out that two of his car’s tires were stabbed. Denis was thinking that someone was playing with him. Then he called Connie. “Maybe they’re just trying to figure out who you are,” she said. “But I think you should keep an eye on your neighbors, Denis. If they’ve done it twice, who’s to say that they won’t try it again.”

Then he waited for something new to happen, but nothing happened. For weeks that continued like that. He even made friends in the neighborhood, a young couple who recently got married. And he was sure that he had seen them before.

A smiling couple | Source: Pexels

Amanda was an art teacher, and Jim was an accountant. Jim would occasionally come to Denis’ gate, and they would talk. Later, Amanda invited Denis for dinner.

Then, the third thing happened. He found a note on his door. “Hello, Denis. Welcome to the neighborhood. You have a lot to answer for.”

Denis was confused, as the note made no sense to him.

That evening, Connie was invited at Denis’ house to meet with Amanda and Jim. They were eating dinner at Denis’ house.

After some wine, Denis went to the balcony to breath some fresh air. Amanda approached to him.

“Oh, it’s lovely out here,” she smiled.

“It is,” Denis said, while watching Miso, who was running in the garden.

“Has anything else happened? Or have your pranksters left you alone?” She asked, and Denis talked about the letter.

“Oh, Denis,” she said as she came closer, “So you have received all my messages, then? Good.”

“What are you talking about?” Denis asked as he was shocked. “Are you kidding me now?”

“Lucy. That’s what it’s about,” she said.

Lucy was Denis’ ex-girlfriend. He was frozen, while Connie and Jim were laughing inside.

A man with his hands over his mouth | Source: Pexels

“What do you know?” Denis asked, “How do you know who I am?”

“Lucy is my cousin. I remember you from the pictures she used to post when you were still dating.” Amanda said.

Their relationship didn’t ended well, as while Denis was busy with his work, Lucy gotten pregnant. “What do you want me to do?” She asked to Denis. “We’re in it now.”

“I’m not in it,” Denis said, and ended their relationship, as he already was thinking of it before she got pregnant.

“What do you want from me?” Denis whispered as he was feeling guilty.

“I want you to take responsibility of your son. He’s five and Lucy is struggling. She could use the financial help.” Amanda answered.

A little boy with long hair | Source: Pexels

While Denis was lost in his thoughts, “Come, Denis,” Amanda said. “There’s cheesecake to eat. You can figure out how to pay Lucy back later.”

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