Life Style


Thomas said “Ten years,” while he was setting the camera timer and went to his wife, Sienna’s side. “Ten years of us,” Sienna smiled.

They would always take a picture of the special occasions and their home was filled with those marks in their lives. As Thomas was looking at the walls, “I remember when we first moved in here… We spent two nights sleeping on the floor,” he said.

“And now, every nook and cranny holds a piece of our story. And we also get to share these pieces with others…on social media.” Sienna laughed, after she shared the picture, she left her phone, and enjoyed the rest of the night.

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When the morning arrived, they were awaken with a noise coming from Sienna’s phone. “Check that, hon,” Thomas said. “It’s been pinging for a while now.”

As Sİenna checked her phone, she saw many notifications from the social media platform. “People are saying there’s something weird in our photo,” she said. “I have several missed calls, too.”

“Weird? Like what?” Thomas leaned on Sienna to check her phone.

“A strange face is in the background, they say. But that’s impossible, right?”

“Probably just shadows or something. Don’t let it bother you.” Thomas said while he took the phone to examine the picture they took. Then he shook his head and gave the phone back to his wife.

As Sienna checked the comments section, she saw a screenshot of the picture where someone circled the childlike face on Sienna’s shoulder. “Thomas… What the hell is that?” She said as she was scared.

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“It’s gotta be a prank.” Thomas said to his wife after he took a look.

Sienna was terrified, she remembered the noise she heard while the picture was being taken. She found the original picture from her phone gallery.

“This isn’t a glitch. It’s too defined, too real. Look at its expression,” Sienna said after she examined.

“Look. In every photo, there’s this strange, hazy presence,” she continued as her husband wasn’t believing. “I think… it could be a ghost. Maybe our house is haunted.”

“We’ve lived here for a decade. We would’ve noticed,” Thomas said.

Then Sienna went to the spot where they took the picture, and started to take pictures to examine them. But she screamed immediately after she checked the first picture, where she felt hands on her shoulder.

“Relax, love. It’s me,” Thomas laughed, “Forget about that photo. We’ve got lunch reservations, remember?”

Then she got prepared, and went to their car. Before they left, she saw a face on the window. “Stop the car!” She screamed, and told Thomas that she saw a face. As Thomas looked he couldn’t see the face Sienna saw, and Sienna couldn’t see it either. But she was sure that she saw the same face in their picture.

That night, Sienna heard a cry and footsteps in the house. She tried to wake Thomas up. “Darling, wake up. Do you hear that?”

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As Thomas was awaken, he heard the noise too and grapped the phone. “We can’t call 911 for a ghost!” Sienna said, but Thomas was afraid of a real life threat. After he called 911, he grabbed his gun and left the bed to check the house.

“I’m going with you!” Sienna said, as she didn’t wanted to stay in their bedroom.

With each room they checked, they heard the noise coming from the next room. Finally they found the source of the noise. Instead of a ghost, they found a malnourished boy. The boy from the pictures. He was crying.

“Freeze!” Thomas yelled, but then he noticed that it was only a boy. “Hey there, it’s okay. We won’t hurt you.”

“Help?” The children said.

“You’re hungry, right?” Sienna asked as she felt sympathy towards the child.

“Hungry, yes.”

“What’s your name?”


While Sienna was making a sandwich for Nikolai, “Where did you come from?” She asked.

Nikolai stated that he escaped from a “bad place.”

“Where’s your mother now?” Sienna asked then.

“You will help Mama?” Nikolai asked.

“Of course we will, sweetheart. Just tell us how we can find her.”

“I see bear on wall and flowers in garden… flowers like sky. I run to wire wall, but big dog is there,” Nikolai started to cry. “I bad son. I run, and now Mama alone.”

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Then the door got knocked, as the officers arrived at the house. As Nikolai was panicked, Sienna said, “It’s okay, it’s the police. They’ll help us find your mom!”

But Nikolai escaped as he was afraid. On the next day Thomas and Sienna searched for Nikola by themselves. On of their neighbors, Nancy, saw the boy in the picture, and she joined the search party of Sienna and Thomas.

They found a abandoned Victorian house, and knocked the door. Then a bark came behind a metal fence. Then Sienna remembered Nikolai’s workds about the chicory flowers.

Then she found a boarded window, and heard a woman’s cries. She then called the police and Thomas. The neighbors had gathered then.

When the authorities arrived, they saved the woman. The woman cried to the officers, “I’m Asya. I came here with my boy to build new life. Marry man, but he… monster! He kept me prisoner.”

“Ma’am, thank you for alerting us to this situation. Your quick response helped these people.” An officer thanked to Sienna.

“What about the man who did this?” Sienna asked.

“We’ve already sent officers to arrest him at his job. Nikolai and Asya will be taken to a safe place. It seems she came here from Russia as some kind of mail-order bride. The legality of her immigrant status is unknown at this point, but we’ll ensure they get the help they need.”

“Thank you. Mama and Nikolai safe now.” Nikolai approached to Sienna and Thomas. Then a social worker took the mother and son to a shelter.

A little while later, when Thomas came home from work, he gave a frame to Sienna. “I believe the latest photo for the mantle deserves a special place,” he smiled.

“It’s the best of the bunch,” Sienna hugged to her husband.

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