

A woman had shared that her mother-in-law kidnapped her daughter, after she wanted to stay with her daughter overnight, and how she wasn’t comfortable with sending her breastfeeding daughter away.

And after she woke up in the night to feed her baby, she found an empty crib, as she was shocked and scared for her baby. She had shared her story as,

“So a little back story. My husband is an only child. His mom has always been very involved. We got along somewhat but she always sort of crossed some lines. She has a key to our house for emergency purposes only because she lives 4 blocks away. I had our daughter 4 weeks ago. She has been over at least three days every week since I’ve had her. She’s always telling me what I am doing wrong and how she’d do things so differently. Baby is up every two hours at night and she insists she’d sleep through the night if she could stay at grandmas. I told her I’m not comfortable sending a breastfed baby away over night at 4 weeks. This last week she kept pushing the issue no matter how many times I said no.”

Then she saw that her baby girl was gone. “Last night we put the baby in her crib. We stopped room sharing because the baby was so loud I could get no sleep what so ever so my husband has been getting her when it’s time for her to feed. Husband fell asleep early and I dozed off. I woke up four hours later and started to panic because she hadn’t made any noise. I was sure she had died of sids. I went into her room and she was gone.”

Then her screams had woke her husband too. “I froze and started screaming her name around the house like she would somehow pop out like it was all a joke. My husband woke up in a panic and just screamed “what’s going on!!” Over and over. I ran to my phone to call 911 and saw a picture message from my MIL of my sleeping baby in her arms with the caption “sleepover at gamgams”. I was immediately enraged. I screamed so hard I almost vomited. I called her and saw red. I told her I was coming to get the baby and she would never see her again and to never contact our family again.”

Then her MIL, had sent a message to her through her husband as, “My husband decided it was best if he went to get her. When he came back he said his mother decides for let herself in and “give us a break” that she was sure we’d hear the text and she thought we would be thanking her for a nights sleep.”

She continued her remorse as, “I do not give a fuck. I hate her. I cannot forgive her for this. My husband thinks I need to calm down. That we just need to get our key back. His lack of urgency about the situation makes me want to divorce him. We have never had any issues before this but this feels like a deal breaker to me. I already had PPA and now it’s through the roof. I don’t feel safe in my own home with my family. I hate my MIL. I hate my husband. When I think about what happened I sob uncontrollably. I can’t sleep now that I know I can’t protect my baby when I sleep. I can’t believe I did not wake up. I feel like the biggest piece of shit mother. If any danger really came I would have let my daughter down.”

She asked, “Am I overreacting for wanting a divorce or for never wanting to see my MIL again? My husband and MIL think it’s my hormones and I have overreacted. Am I overreacting?? I just needed to talk about it with noninvolved parties. I have no friends or family for hundreds of miles.”

Here are some of the comments that Redditors written under the post.

User comment dated March 6, 2017 | Source: Reddit/Tw5676
User comment dated March 6, 2017 | Source: Reddit/Tw5676
User comment dated March 6, 2017 | Source: Reddit/Tw5676
User comment dated March 6, 2017 | Source: Reddit/Tw5676
User comment dated March 6, 2017 | Source: Reddit/Tw5676

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