

A woman had shared her story on the social media platform, Reddit, and stated that her husband and mother in law wanted a DNA test for their children who doesn’t looking like the father.

“Idk where to start. This whole situation is embarrassing and i am just done with it. I’ve been with my husband for 5years now. (married for three). Well long story short, his mom was always overwhelming and bold with her input on everything to put it nicely.” She started.

“I genuinely think it’s not fair to be mad at your partner for something he didn’t do himself. He can’t control what his mom does or says. But what’s also not fair is him not addressing it when I am clearly uncomfortable or upset and instead just talking me into brushing it off or going with it. I never nor would I ever have a back and forth with my MIL. Just not worth barking at each other. I always kinda brush it of if it’s a snarky comment or if it’s a “better way” to do something in her opinion, I’ll just tell her thanks for the suggestion but we are fine.” She then explained that her husband didn’t showed support for her, but didn’t did the otherwise too.

“It’s actually true, the saying “When you marry someone, you marry their family”. I think the way to handle it is each spouse should keep his side of the family in line for lack of a better way to say it. I deal with my parents and their shenanigans and I expected him to do the same. He never did. He always asks me to give her some grace.” She than explained further.

“Well it’s hard when that person is insulting you. For a while now she has been making comments about how my son doesn’t look like my husband when he was a toddler. Basically accusing me of sleeping around. This, rightfully so upset me. Sorry, my genes are strong what do I tell you. I was short with my husband because he didn’t address how out of pocket and disrespectful this whole thing is.” She went into the subject, where her mother in law had stated that their son isn’t looking like his father.

“It has been a week since my husband, -well, soon to be ex husband- told me that he would be doing a paternity DNA test, not because he thinks that it’s not his son but to shut his mom up. Yes, exactly what u read. Idk which one is worse, him accusing me of cheating or this shit. But all i know is this is audacious.” She had stated that just because his mother wanted, her husband wanted a DNA test.

“I didn’t cheat and I am not concerned one bit about the test results. I wasnt going to stop him from taking a DNA test or whatever but I just know I don’t want to deal with this any longer. I am looking for an appartement and I talked to a lawyer the day after he brought this DNA test thing up. And I’ve been acting more then normal since.” She had stated that she had decided to separate from her husband.
“We’ll be getting the results in two days. I cant wait. He would be also getting divorce papers with that too. I know for fact he won’t see it coming. I tried my best to make this whole thing work and manage my relationship with my MIL as gracefully as possible. But thinking about it, it’s not just my MIL thats the problem but how he is handling things is also a problem.” She had stated and gave an update on the situation.

“The day he was supposed to receive the results, I called my FIL and invited them to come over that evening. He was working when he got the results. He sent them to me and told me he would talk to his mother to finally put this to rest. I informed him that I had already invited them for this evening and I am just waiting for my apology before I leave. I asked that he come home so we can talk before they come over.” She had explained that she called her in-laws to come her home for an apology.

“He called, and I basically told him that this is not working for me anymore. I’ve already talked to an attorney, filed for divorce, and it might be more expensive than a paternity test, but it would be more effective making his mother happy. (And no, I don’t care that he was working when I told him. I don’t think you would have either.)” she had shared her conversation with her husband.

“He left work and came home. Long story short, we had a spectacular fight. He said that I am not thinking about my son and I am overreacting because it’s not like he went behind my back. And if he knew that I was this upset, he wouldn’t have done it. But he knew; we fought about it when he brought it up. He just didn’t care.” She had shared their debate.

“When I gave him the divorce papers, he said he’s not signing anything and he’ll ask his mother to apologize when his parents arrive and get done with this. Listen, I don’t need him to sign it to get a divorce. It would only make things complicated, that’s it.” She had shared that her husband didn’t wanted to divorce.

“His mother said, “She has nothing to apologize for. She wouldn’t apologize for having suspicions. She didn’t accuse me of anything and I can leave if I want to.” So that’s that. I did leave that night because I wasn’t going to get an apology, and he didn’t seem to understand that him reinforcing that it’s okay for her to meddle is why I want a divorce in the first place.” She had stated that her mother in law didn’t apologized to her, and she had left that night.

“He eventually told his parents he’ll be coming over from time to time to check up on them (he is their only child) and not to bother coming over anymore until she apologizes. She wasn’t amused. She told me I am taking her son away and some “wh_re” would take my son too. She is not someone that you can talk to, I’ll tell you that much. It’s like talking to a wall. All she knows is insulting or being passive-aggressive on a good day.” She had said that her husband had came to her, and told his parents to not to come, unless his mother is going to apologize from his wife.

“We’re not getting a divorce. We talked the day after. He said I can always file for a divorce, but we should at least try couples counseling because he doesn’t want to co-parent.” She had concluded her post.

Comments from Readers

User comment on Reddit story dated October 4, 2023. | Source: reddit.com/user/SituationFluid6098
User comment on Reddit story dated September 29, 2023. | Source: reddit.com/user/SituationFluid6098
User comment on Reddit story dated September 29, 2023. | Source: reddit.com/user/SituationFluid6098

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