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Alice was 30 years old, and she was believing that her life was perfect. She was married with Tom for eight years, and they had their daughter, Sarah, in their lives.

As it started as a normal day, “Hey, Alice,” Tom said. “You know how we always talked about taking a trip, just the three of us?”

As Sarah nodded, “Well,” Tom continued, “how does a vacation to the Maldives sound for our eighth anniversary?”

A couple enjoying coffee at home | Source: Shutterstock

“The Maldives? Tom, are you serious?” Sarah got excited.

“Absolutely,” Tom said. “I want us to make unforgettable memories, to celebrate us.”

“That sounds amazing, Tom. Thank you,” Alice said, as she was incredibly happy, while their six-year-old daughter Sarah was cheering.

In their first day, Tom had arranged a private dinner at a private beach, while their daughter was sleeping, they were alone.

“To my beautiful Alice, may our love bloom eternal,” Tom said, as he gave her a bouquet of flowers.

An elegant family in white summer clothing walking hand in hand down a tropical paradise beach during sunset | Source: Shutterstock

But as time passed, Tom started to act strangely. One day, Alice found him arguing with someone, while their daughter was sleeping, Alice thought that they could spent some time.

As they were sitting by the ocean, his phone got ranged. As he got nervous, “I’m so sorry, Alice; I need to take this. It’s work. They’ve run into problems, and they need my help urgently,” Tom said.

After dinner, they returned to their room, and as Tom had drank a lot, he passed out immediately. As Alice was covering Tom with a blanket, his phone got ranged again, and Alice saw the name on the screen, “Dave, Sales Manager.”

At first rang, Alice declined the call, but it ranged again so she decided to answer it. “Hi, Dave, this is Tom’s wife. He’s out cold; can you call back tomorrow?” She said.

Then she heard a woman’s voice. She was shocked. The woman said, “What!? Stop playing!!! He said his wife died in a car accident two years ago.”

A woman is shocked while looking at her mobile phone screen | Source: Getty Images

“Who are you?” Alice asked.

“I’m Amanda, and who are…” Alice couldn’t listen and hung up. She understand that her husband was cheating on her.

On the next day, Alice confronted with Tom, while he was hungover. “Who’s Amanda, and why does she think I’m dead?”

“Alice, listen to me, please. I… I can explain,” Tom tried to talk.

“How can you explain telling another woman that your wife is dead, Tom? How?!”

“It was a mistake, a terrible joke that went too far,” Tom said.

After they returned, their days were silent, and Alice broke that silent with a plan. “Tom, I’ve been thinking… perhaps we should start over. Let’s have dinner, just the two of us, to celebrate a new beginning, to mark the start of our new life together,” she said.

“Alice, that… that means everything to me. I promise, this new beginning, it’s all I’ve wanted. Thank you,” Tom responded.

She then talked with Amanda, who was an investor. Alice introduced herself as a businesswoman, and she said, “Amanda, I believe we have much to discuss. Your insight as an investor could be invaluable to the project I have in mind.”

Then she arranged a fancy restaurant. As she went with Tom to the restaurant, Tom said, “Alice, this place is beautiful. Tonight feels like a dream, a chance to right all my wrongs.”

An angry woman glaring at her lover in a restaurant | Source: Getty Images

“Alice, starting over, it means everything. I can’t thank you enough for this chance.” Tom said after they sat at their table. Then Amanda arrived, and Tom went pale.

“Amanda, thank you for joining us. Tom, meet the investor behind the new venture I mentioned. I thought it fitting for you to be part of this discussion,” Alice said.

“Which venture? Alice, what’s this? What is she doing here?” Tom was terrified.

“This, Tom, is the culmination of your lies,” Alice said. “Amanda. Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Alice, the wife who’s supposedly been dead for two years.”

“Dead? What are you talking about? Alice, you’re…,” Amanda was shocked in disblief.

“That’s right, Amanda. I’m the supposedly dead wife,” Alice continued.

“You told me your wife was dead! You’re a lying, manipulative… How could you?” Amanda screamed at Tom.

“Amanda, I… it’s not… hear me out,” Tom was drowning in his own words.

“Oh, please. Spare me! You’ve made your bed, Tom. And Alice, I must say, your maneuvering is something to behold. I wish you all the success,” Amanda said and left.

Tom was looking at Alice, “Alice, please, I… I was a fool. I’m begging you, for Sarah’s sake, can we find a way to get past this?”

A stressed man looking at his mobile phone in a café | Source: Getty Images

“Tom, you didn’t just betray me; you insulted our marriage, our family. Please stop using Sarah as a shield for your deceit. You don’t deserve to be in her life or mine!” Alice said.

“I’m so sorry, Alice. I’ve lost everything,” Tom said silently, as he had no face to talk.

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