Life Style


Keith was driving his bus, as usual, and got irritated when he saw a woman with a baby got in to the bus. He was thinking that the babies are unpredictable.
A man had left his seat for the woman with her son, and Keith had thought that baby wouldn’t cry.
As he was driving the bus, he heard some murmur from the bus, when he looked back, he saw that people were moving back to the bus.
Then he saw that the woman was breastfeeding her son, and that was the cause of the murmur, and movement in the bus.
“Lady! You can’t do that here!” Keith said, as he was angry.
“Yes, I can. I’m feeding my baby,” said the woman.
“I can’t believe the gall of some people. There’s no decency anywhere these days. Kids think they’re entitled to the whole world and just take out their bosom in front of complete strangers,” he had continued.
“Since when did it become the norm to just breastfeed in public? As if we don’t have rules in our society! Young people are driving this country into the dirt with their entitlement and disregard for others,” Keith had added.
“Women in old times had a little mystery. Now, their boobs are always out, and they sleep with whomever. Bet, this one had a bunch of baby daddies.” Another passenger had joined to the driver.
People had kept talking, until she left the bus.
As she was moving out from the bus, Keith saw that a man in a wheelchair, waiting for the woman.
The man in the wheelchair was his son, Daniel. That is why he was shocked.
“Hey! Are you going to sit there and look like an idiot, or are you going to drive, old man?” Said a passenger to Keith, as he was frozen with the sight of his son, and grandson.
He was thinking of his past, 22 years ago.
“Honey, that smells so good,” Keith said to his wife.
“It’s just spaghetti and sauce from a jar,” she said.
“I’m sure it’ll be delicious, but what’s going on?” He asked, as he was getting a beer from the fridge.
“I can’t do it, Keith,” said his wife.
“Do what?” Asked Keith.
“The abortion. I can’t do it. I’m already 15 weeks along,” his wife, Laura said.
“Laura, I thought we agreed,” said Keith, as he took a sip from his beer.
“I know. But I can’t do it. I can’t get rid of this baby. I love it too much. I’m sorry,”
“Alright,” Keith said, “We’ll just have to make do. People in worse situations have babies, too. If they can find a way, we can.”
“Really?” Laura said, as she was sobbing. “Thank you.”
“Don’t worry, honey. I’ll find a solution,” Keith hugged to Laura.
“Keith! Where the hell have you been, man?” Said his friend Mark, when Keith had went to the bar.
“How’s your girl?” Asked Mark.
“She’s good. Actually, that’s what I wanted to talk about. Is there any way I can start working with you?”
“Yeah,” Keith said. “Laura’s pregnant. I need to make real money now.”
“Well, we do need more people. The boss is… expanding. I could put in a good word for you. But Keith, this is serious business. Scary people are at the top. It’s not for the faint-hearted,”
“I’m ready for anything, and you know I’ve always been good with cars,” Keith said.
“I’ll make some calls. Be ready.” Said Mark.
After a few months, they had moved in to a new apartment, thanks to Keith’s new job. When he came back to his house, he saw Laura was crying on the couch. “Laura! Laura! Oh, God! What’s happening? Is it the baby? I’ll call 911!” He said.
“It’s not the baby! Keith, the cops were just here, asking questions. They were angry and terrifying. They asked about Mark and some Mr. Salieri. Who is that?” Laura said.
“Don’t worry about that, honey. You just have to tell them you don’t know anything and let them.”
“What are you doing to be on the cops’ radar, Keith?”
“It’s better if you don’t know,” Keith said.
“Are you working in a gang? Are you with…mobsters?”
“Laura, you don’t have to worry about that. Just calm down. The baby could come any day now, and the doctors told you to take it easy.”
“I can’t take it easy, not knowing what you’re doing, Keith!” Laura said, “What if you get arrested? What’s gonna happen to me if you go down for…whatever!?”
“Nothing’s gonna happen to you or me, I have everything under control.”
“Famous last words,” Laura said, as she was crying.
“Damn it, Laura! Can’t you see that I had to do this? I had to bring more money. I have paid in cash for everything we have. For doctor’s appointments. I’m doing this for our family. I thought you would understand!” Keith said.
“You didn’t have to become a criminal.” Laura said.
“No other job in town was enough. You stopped working months ago. We would’ve drowned without this gig,”
“Fine, but it’s time to get out. We have enough. I’ll have the baby, find some work, and we can continue as if nothing happened. The cops are looking for you and Mark. It’s serious now,” Laura said.
“It was always serious,” Keith said.
“I can’t get out. Who’s gonna watch the baby when you work? We have no family, and nanny would be too expensive if I didn’t have this job.”
“We can’t raise this baby with the threat of cops and worse coming to our house for retribution, Keith,” Laura said.
“All I wanted was for us to have a nice home to raise a good family.”
“YOU NEED MONEY FOR THAT!” he screamed.
“Look, honey. I have this huge job coming up. The kind that could set us up for life. I can’t give up like this when I finally can provide for my family. Our son will have everything we never had,” Keith said.
“He doesn’t need everything you’re getting. But most importantly, he doesn’t need to be involved with the kind of people you’re dealing with. I’ve heard stories. These men are dangerous. My baby needs to be safe. I need to be safe. Please.” Laura said.
“You’re watching too many movies. You don’t need to worry,” Keith said.
“No, you’re not worried enough. If you step out of line, we could get killed. If you don’t pull back from this job now, it’ll only get worse and worse. Whatever they’re asking now, it’ll be even more serious later. You’ll never get out.”
“Laura, this is my chance! I won’t go back to stupid minimum-wage jobs when I can give our kids financial security. I can save for his college education. I can buy us a huge house. We can have a big family,” Keith said.
“Also, people respect me now. I was no one before. I get to wear suits, and I get admired by others. I’m a real man now. This is beyond now. I used to feel small. Everyone made me small, and I’m a big deal to Mark, to Mr. Salieri. It’ll only get better.”
“You either quit and choose your family, or I’m leaving and raising this baby on my own,” Laura said.
“I’m not walking away from this, and you aren’t going anywhere,” Keith said.
“I have to go. Don’t answer the door to cops!”
“Come back! We’re not done discussing this!” Said Laura.
When he returned, he said “I’m home. I want to talk, baby. Things got heated last night, but I want us to be good.”
When he found out that his wife had left him he cried as he kneeled, “No, no, no, no, no…”
Then the door got knocked.
“Police! Open the door, Mr. Ryan. We know you’re in there!”
“We have a warrant for your arrest. There’s no use resisting.”
He was sent to prison for 20 years, and got released 15 years later.
Then he realized that he finished his route.
On the evening, he decided to watch the house of his son. His window got knocked, “Hey! Who are you? If you don’t leave, I’ll call the cops!”
“No, please, ma’am. I’m sorry. I’m just afraid to ring that doorbell.” Keith said.
“What doorbell?”
“Over there. I need to speak to Laura, and I haven’t seen her in years,”
“You’re here for Laura?” She said, with an expression.
“Dear, that means you don’t know,”
“Know what?”
“Laura and her husband died last year,” the woman said.
“Their son and his wife and baby live there now.”
“What? NO! What happened?” Keith asked.
“Car accident. Daniel luckily survived because he was in the back, but he’s in a wheelchair now,”
“It’s so sad. I saw that boy grow up. They were such a beautiful family, and that baby won’t know his wonderful grandparents now.”
“Thanks for telling me,” said Keith, as he started to walk towards to the door.
What do you think? Let us know.

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