

The man had shared his revenge on the social media platform Reddit, and asked that if he was wrong or not in his doings.

He had started his story with some background information as, “My father is a typical working-class man from a poor family who worked pretty much his entire life. My mom on the other hand comes from a very important and respected family of my city. Her family is wealthy, with strong connections and are friends with pretty much all the important people of my city (from the mayor and his entourage to lawmen and businessmen.) Now my mom and dad met a long time ago and fell in love instantly. Soon they were married. My mom’s family disliked my dad from the beginning. They saw him as a poor pleb and a disgrace to the family.”

Then he explained that their maternal family wanted them to be named after their family, as their father was not a man from high society and was not wealthy.

He continued as, “When I was 8 and my brother 9, our mom got diagnosed with cancer. 3 years later she died. My dad was alongside her the entire time. Her own family not. Her sister (my aunt) was always absent in some formal reception and always claimed she was busy and her mother (my grandmother) was claiming she was too old to move while her health was perfect. In total they barely visited my mom in three years.”

He had stated that even before the ceremony for their mother was held, they wanted to take them from their devastated father, as he said “The day my mom died we were devastated. Both me and my brother cried like babies (we were kids actually, 12 and 13 respectively) and our dad was in shambles. Then it all happened. A few hours later my dad gets a phone call. It’s from my aunt and says they need to meet instantly. So he goes to meet them. What followed was mental. My aunt, with a lawyer on her side, started attacking my dad, telling him that now that his wife was dead, he was incapable of having custody of the kids (me and my brother) and that they should take care of us. My dad was furious and said no.”

He had stated that their terrible behaviour went on years, even they had rejected from the inheritance they can have. As he shared, “They responded the next day with more pestering and abuse. Mind you the funeral hadn’t even taken place yet. This went on for years. Each time different demands. They ended up accusing my dad of assaulting my aunt causing a lot of people to turn their backs on us. They started sending my dad legal papers on what they could do etc etc. Then they tried taking away our inheritance based on stupid shit. We ended up finding out that some money reserved for us had suddenly vanished and then they called us and threatened my dad that if he doesn’t give custody they will not give us the money. Thanks to a stupid law in my country they could do that. “
He had continued as, “Fast forward 10 years later. The abuse stopped, my father found a girlfriend who is amazing and are happy together, both my brother and I got accepted into university and are doing pretty well. My mom’s family have stopped talking to us, and every time they try to make contact we promtly ignore them. Until this summer. You see this summer my cousin got married. They invited us to the wedding. When I say us I mean my brother and I. So we accepted and started crafting the plan.”

“Because in my country weddings are a huge deal a lot of people would be there. And also because of the social status of my mom’s family, the most important people would be there. So we decided to use that into our advantage. You see a lot of people had no clue about the whole story, only the parts they told them. It was exposure time.”

As he was going to start their plan to exposure their maternal family, as he stated, “The big day arrives and I’m full on ready. I go to the church and outside I see the people. Then my brother arrives and we know stuff are about to go down. The reception starts and we are patiently waiting for it to end and the after party to begin. In the after party (which was in a huge mansion outside the city) everyone is present. We spot my aunt and my grandmother in a group of people. One of these people is the mayor. Bingo. So we approach them in a friendly way. My aunt says to the people the classics, “have you met my nephews ?” etc etc. Then we start hearing the conversation a bit. As we predicted they started talking about my dad, how horrible he was, how he exploited my mom and how lucky we are that came out bright unlike him.”

Then started to spill the tea as, “That last one pissed me off. I raise my glass, I look my aunt in the eyes and inside the whole group of the most wealthy, important and prestigious people of my city I say “Actually…” I unleashed the whole story, all while praising my dad and damning my aunt and my grandmother. If I left anything out my brother would fill in.”

They continued as, “After I finished complete silence fell. My aunt was red from anger, my grandmother was on the verge of bursting into tears, everyone else shocked. They started looking at them two in dismay and anger. My little cousin (not the one getting married) who was oblivious to the whole situation wanted to just leave and was constanly asking my aunt “mom is that true?”. The story was presented with such attention to detail that they couldn’t even deny anything. Then we say the bombshell. ” At least we came out fine, our studies are going excellent, all thanks to our dad”.”

“That last one was to rub salt at the wound of them. We then left them in shock. From other people we later learned that everyone turned their backs to them, they became the shame of the city, and ended up isolated in their big fancy houses. The mayor cut all contacts with them, so did all the businessmen and everyone in fact. The big bomb was when a business they owned shut down because noone would fund them. I only feel sorry for the employees of them, who were left without a job. Another big hit came when the municipal council (clearly by the mayor’s “orders”) removed the commemorative plaques in some buildings they had donated money in. That killed them inside.”

He concluded as, “They tried to reconcilliate afterwards but we ignored them. The most beautiful thing was when my dad learned of what we did. He was the happiest man alive, seeing the rich arrogant assholes who tormented him, go down like that.”

Here are the comments of the other Redditors.

byu/onikaanmonahgeh from discussion

byu/onikaanmonahgeh from discussion

byu/onikaanmonahgeh from discussion

byu/onikaanmonahgeh from discussion

byu/onikaanmonahgeh from discussion

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