

Vicki was waiting for her mother to arrive at the school, so that they would go back to their house.

“It’s going to be four. Why hasn’t mommy come?” Said Vicki, as she was waiting for her mother. Her mother was never late to pick her up from the school.

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As she was waiting, a policeman had touched her shoulder.

“Vicki Parker?” Asked the police.

“Yes,” said Vicki, as she was surprised and shocked to see a police.

“I found the girl,” said the police. “Vicki, please come with me.”

“Where? My mommy will come to pick…” As she was end her sentece, the officer had cut her as, “Vicki, your mother will not come.”

Vicki panicked and said, “Why won’t mommy come?? Where’s she?”

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As the officer was sad to let her know the truth, he couldn’t keep it any further, and stated that Vicki lost her mother.

Vicki started to cry. “WHAT ARE YOU SAYING? What happened to my mommy? Please, take me to her… Please… I want to see her,”

“I’m sorry, Vicki. Please stay strong. Let’s go now.”

“Go where?”

“To the police station… someone’s waiting for you there.”

Her aunt, Carla was waiting Vicki on the police station, as she was unaware of how her life would go downside when she moved in with her.

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“Vicki darling… I’m so sorry this happened to you,”

“I’ll take you home. Please stay strong.” Said her aunt Carla.

Vicki knew that her aunt and her mother were not getting along well, over a fight for the inheritance.

“You stole my house, Katie… I don’t understand how our dad could do this to me and bequeath you this whole house,” Vicki heard that her aund had shouted to her mother.

“Carla, dad still paid for your university that you dropped out in the middle. He couldn’t pay for me, and that’s why he left his house to me. I don’t understand why you’re so furious. I didn’t steal anything. I want to sell it to pay for my education,” her mother had stated.

“I don’t want to argue with you. Paying for my education was dad’s choice. But this house is ours. I grew up here. It should go to the two of us and not just one. We should divide it equally,” Carla said.

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Carla had took Vicky under her care, not because she was loving her, but Vicki was the only person who had her late mother’s house.

“We are getting late. Can you make it fast, sweetie?” Said Carla to Vicky, as she was on her mother’s funeral. They went to her car.

Then they had arrived on the mansion of her aunt. A large one, which she had read on the books. But she didn’t feel like it was home.

“Where’s my dog, Roger? You didn’t bring him home??” Said Vicky.

“My daughter is allergic to pets. So I sent Roger to an animal shelter. He must be doing fine there. Don’t worry about him.” Carla answered.

Vicki cried for her pet, as her dog was the only thing that was reminding her home.

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“What are you doing, child?” Carla asked when Vicky dragged her chair closer to table.

“I’m going to eat.”

“Didn’t your mother teach you any manners? This is my house, and I have my own rules. And you must obey me, darling,” Carla said.

“What are you waiting for? Bring us the plates and set the table. I will give you food and shelter as long as you are grateful to me. I’m your aunt, and I deserve respect, considering how your mother ruined my life. NOW GO… BRING THE FOOD FROM THE KITCHEN AND PLATE IT.”

At night, Carla took Vicky to her room, a storageroom. She gave her an old bed.

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“Mommy, I miss you. Why did you leave me?” Vicky was crying.

“I want to see you. I know you’re with daddy in heaven. Send Roger to me. He’s all I have now. Did he eat, mommy? I don’t like aunt Carla. She’s making me cry. She’s so rude to me.”

She woke up in the morning. And as time passed, she started to get used to with her new life. Her only peaceful moments were her time in her school.

Carla was forcing Vicky to do the house errands, as she stated, “Everybody must learn to work hard from an early age!”

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“These are the dolls my mommy got from Paris. What did you do, Anna?” Said Vicky, when she found out that Anna had cut the heads off of her dolls.

“Back off, shorty. Look what I’m going to do to that huge teddy bear you have. It’s in the cellar. Go save it if you can,” said Anna.

“Anna, open the door. Anna, please. I’m scared. It’s dark. Please, open the door,” Vicki cried, when Anna had locked her down.


“Hey, wash my soiled boots. I have to wear them for horse riding next week.”

Vicky refused.

“How dare you say no to me,”

Anna cut the hair of Vicky.

“Anna, what did you do??” Said Vicky.

“Smooth and silky ocean waves bouncing on your shoulders!” Her mother was calling Vicky’s hair.

“Mommy, why are aunt Carla and Anna so cruel to me? What did I do? Please, help me, mommy. I cannot live in this house anymore,” Vicki cried again on the night.

Then she decided to wrote a letter to her mother, with a hope that she would read and come back.

“Dear Mommy, I do not like to live in this home. Aunt Carla, Anna are teribel. They make me do all work. My hands hurting mommy. My nails broke. Anna took scissor and cut my hair. I look ugly. I want to run away far. Roger is in animal shelter. Don’t know where. Aunt Carla sell our home. Our beds, table, flowerpots, paintings all gone. She is not nice mommy. Take me from her. Please mommy. Will you send me letter back? With Love Vicki.” Vicki wrote and stated the adress as, “To My Dear Mommy in Heaven”

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“My letter is gone! It’s on the way to mommy!” Said Vicky as she checked the mailbox, when she came back from the school.

She was writing all the time, and the letters were going away, but there was no response.

One day, she found a letter that was written on it, “To Little Vicki,”

“Hi, Vicki! Your mother cannot write back to you. But you can consider me as her messenger! And I want you to know that you are not alone. I want to help you. I will be waiting near your school gate tomorrow. I will be wearing a gray-blue dress with a postal label. See you soon, and be strong, alright!”
“If it’s not my mommy, then who is this?” Vicky thought.

On the next day, she saw Larry, the mailman.

“Are you the messenger my mommy sent?” Vicky asked.

“Not exactly! But I read all your letters,”

“You didn’t see my mommy??”

“No, I didn’t because we don’t get to see those in Heaven. We cannot send or receive letters from them. But I’m sure your mother knows everything and worries about you.”

“I did not meet your mother, nor do I know her. But I’m sure she sent me to help you. Let’s go to your aunt’s house. She will not mistreat you anymore. Trust me, Vicki.”

“Why are you so late today? And what’s he doing with you? Do we have any mail today?” Said Carla, when she saw the mailman.

“Mrs. Reggie, can we please talk for a minute? There’s something I want to tell you,” said Larry.

“Yes, what is it?”

“Mrs. Reggie, if you don’t stop ill-treating your niece, I’ll have to call Child Protective Services on you.”

Carla got shocked, “Oh, I don’t understand what you’re saying. I think there’s been a mistake. Vicki was pampered and spoiled by her mother. I just tried to put her on the track by teaching her some manners,”

“Come on, why would I treat my niece badly? She’s no different from my daughter.”

“Hmmm… See you around, Mrs. Reggie. It was nice meeting you. Take care, Vicki. B-Bye, sweetie. You can always meet me at the post office if there’s anything, alright?”

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Carla screamed at Vicky, “How dare you complain about me to that mailman? You ungrateful little imp,”

“Stay right here. How ungrateful you are, just like your mother. No bed or blanket until you come crying to me, begging for an apology. Get the hell outta my sight, you dirty imp. You will live in the cellar. It’s your new room. Sleep with the rats until you learn to appreciate me.”

“Aunt Carla, I’m sorry. Please, let me out. I’m scared. It’s dark. I can hear noises down here. Please, it’s scary. Let me out.” Shouted, and cried Vicky.

“Mommy, please do something. I want to go from here. You always told me stories of miracles. Why is there no miracle to help me, mommy?” Prayed Vicky.

Carla had thought, “Ugly little rat… this should teach her a lesson. Let her spend just one night in the cellar, and she will regret messing up with me. I’ll teach her what gratitude is, little imp,”

Vicky woke with a sound of a woman on the next day, “Hey, Vicki, can you come out of that darkness on your own, or do you need help?”

Then she saw the Child Protective Service investigator.

Larry didn’t trusted to Carla, and called CPS.

“Where are we going?” Asked Vicky, as they were on the road.

“To your new family, sweetie. Your foster family! I’m sure you’ll like them.”

Then she saw Larry and his wife, Amanda.

“IT’S YOU!!”

“Oh my God, ROGER!!” Said Vicky, as she saw her pet.

What do you think? Let us know.

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