

–Story of the Day–

Leo was 10 years old, when his mother, Candice had said to him, “Good deeds are like a boomerang; they always come back,”

He learnt the meaning of this sentence a while later, when he saw his mother had helped an old woman who was having problems with carrying her bags.

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“Mom, why did you help her when all she said in return was thanks? You never got anything else.” Said Leo to his mother.

“Son, when you keep putting out good, it will come back to you one day. Never expect anything in return when you help others. God will reward you Himself!” Candice said.

“Mom, where are we going now?” Said Leo, as he noticed that they were not going to their home.

“Sweetie, sit down,” said as they had arrived to a cafee, where a man on his middle ages was waiting.

“Darling, meet Mr. Roberts and his son Mark. Sweetie, Mr. Roberts will be your new father very soon.” Said Candice.

“A new father??” Got shocked Leo.

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“Yes, darling. We are getting married next week. I am sure you will like him. Mark is such a wonderful boy, and you two will get along pretty quickly.” Said Candice.

Leo was shocked, but he had no other choice than accept the situation and move along with it.

As he became 14, he accepted Mr. Roberts as his father, and Mark as his brother. As time passed a little while more, Candice was unfortunately diagnosed with a cancer that was fatal.

Candice’s last words for his son, Leo was, “And promise me you will help the needy. Sweetie, kindness is the best form of love, and it comes back tenfold,”
After she passed away, Mr. Roberts stopped Leo to go to school, and wanted him to do all the house errands on his own.

Leo said, “But dad, I have to prepare for my tests,”

“Tests? You’re not going to school. I’m not paying for your education. You can stay in my house as long as you work for it.” Said Roberts.

As Leo was sad, and hurt after his mother’s passing, now he needs to deal with his stepfather that started to act cruelly towards him.

When his teachers visited Leo, Roberts had lied to them as he said, “He told me he doesn’t want to go to school. He is hurt after his mother’s death. So he wants to stay home. Just give the boy some time. He’ll be alright.”

As he was ironing the expensive suits of Roberts, accidentally he burnt one of them, and then Roberts had kicked him out of the house.

“Get out of my house! Do you know how much that suit costs? You’d never be able to afford it. Go away and don’t come back.” He said.

As he was hungry, and wandering alone on the streets, he sat on a bench, and said, “Mommy, I’m scared. Please help me. I never wronged anyone, and why is this happening to me??”

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He woke with a touch to his shoulder. Then he heard a familiar voice, “Son, how are you, and how is your mother?” Said the older woman that his mother had helped, Mrs. Wendy.

“Mommy is dead,” said Leo.

“Oh, dear, what happened to her?” Wendy asked.

“She died of cancer.” Said Leo.

“Jesus, I’m so sorry to hear that. And what are you doing here? Where is your house? I’ll leave you there.” Asked Wendy.
“I don’t have a house, and the ones I thought were my father and brother kicked me out. I have nobody.” Answered Leo to Wendy.

Wendy sobbed, as she listened the story of Leo, then she said, “Dear, never say you have nobody because God is watching over us all the time. When He shuts one door, He opens a better one. We are never alone because God is our Father, and we are His children.”

Wendy took Leo to her house, and she became the grandmother Leo never had.

As years went by, he became 29, and was a successful man, that was working in a good position at a agricultural company, thanks to Wendy.

As he was returning to his house, his car broke down, and he needed to walk back. As he was walking, he saw an abandoned car. He firstly ignored the car, but an old man had stopped Leo.

Leo got shocked, as he saw the old man. He was Mr. Roberts.

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“MR. ROBERTS?? What are you doing here?” Leo said as he was shocked.

“Leo, it’s been so many years. How are you?” Said Mr. Roberts, as he was crying.

“I’m fine, but what are you doing in this car?”

“I live here.”

“You live in this car? But why? What happened to your house, and where is Mark?”

“I handed my company over to Mark because I was getting old. I trusted him, but he ruined my business. He took things for granted, and my company became bankrupt. I took it back from him and sold it off.” Said Roberts.

“Money ran out quickly, so I sold my house and then moved into a smaller house. I sold my cars to pay the debts, and my savings ran out. One day, he booted me out, saying he would never let me in unless I returned with the money. I have no friends or family and nowhere to stay.”
“My heart wouldn’t allow me to live in a shelter for the homeless because I’ve never helped the needy. So I started living in this old, abandoned car and survived on alms from passers-by.”

As shocked Leo was, he took Mr. Roberts to his own house, to give him a shelter.

“But dear, I was so cruel to you. Why do you want to help me?” Said Mr. Roberts, as he was still crying, with the shame and guilt he was feeling.

“I was kind to everyone, and it returned to me. I now have a family, friends, and a home full of warmth and love. But what did you get out of being evil? NOTHING! And this is where you ended up. Your deeds come back to you, so you should be careful of what you do.” Answered Leo.

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