

–Story of the Day–

67-year-old Lucy Martin was a administrative in the big company she was working for. One day, they had found that their money in the retirement fund was gone, and for that, the company had let go of her, without giving her any money.

And at the age of 67, Lucy was left with no money at her hand, and she was looking for a job, any job.

She found a job at the local college, as a cleaner. She was a proud woman, so she didn’t thought that what she will do now, as she was forced to retire, and she found a job, whatever she can do.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pixabay

With her work through several years in college, she was the campus granny, as the students had called her.

“Hey, Grandma Lucy,” Matthew, a student from the college had said to Lucy.

“Your chicken soup is a magic potion! Your children are very lucky.”

“Oh, I have only one daughter, and she lives 3000 miles away in Arizona.” Said Lucy.

“Hey!” said Matther, “It’s nearly Thanksgiving, so you’ll be with her soon, right?”

She got emotional when she heard him, and ran away, while she was crying.

“I’m sorry, Lucy,” Matthew said when Lucy came back.

“Please tell me what is wrong. You’ve always been there for me. Remember when I wanted to switch courses and was afraid to tell my dad? Let me be a friend to you as you were to me.”

“I’m so sorry,” Lucy said.

“You see, I haven’t seen my daughter in over three years.”

“I can’t afford the trip, and she can’t afford to pay for me either. She has two babies and her husband is unemployed,” she added.

“She needs help, and I can’t give it to her.”

As she continue to tell her story, how she was forced to retire and she ended up with that cleaning job, while Matthew had sat with her.

“Hey, you remember what you said to me when I was down? Life always surprises you, and every difficulty brings new strength. I believed it, now it’s your turn…” said Matthew.

As she left the room of Matthew, she saw another student, crying on the floor, she said, “Liz!”

“What’s the matter, honey?”

“Oh, Gran Lucy,” said Liz. “I have to drop out. My scholarship only pays three-quarters of my expenses and the bank refused to extend my student loan. My parents are having a hard time, so they can’t help me either…”

“Oh dear,” said Lucy.

“And you are doing so well too! When do you need that money?”

“Not until September,” said Liz.

“But I can’t see how I’m going to get my hands on $15,000!”

“No more crying, Lizzie, my girl! Chin up! Something will turn up. Like I always say, life has a way of surprising us!” said Lucy, as she held Liz.

She was right, as unaware she was. Because Matthew, had an idea that the other students would help their campus granny.

Few months later, when she went to an ATM, she got shocked, as she saw $364,563 on her bank account.

She rushed to the bank, as she thought that there must be a problem, a mistake!

“This is a mistake!” said Lucy. “You made a mistake. That’s not my money!”

“Mrs. Martin, the money was deposited into your account three days ago by a Mr. Matthew Frost…” they said to Lucy.

Then she rushed back to the college, and wait for Matthew to leave his class.

“Matthew!” shouted Lucy.

“I see you’ve been to the bank…” said Matthew.

“But…but…” Lucy said.

“Where did you get all that money?”

“It was magic!” Matthew said. “We started a Go-Fund-Me page, and every student in this college and their parents wanted to show you some love. $363,000 worth of love. You can visit your daughter, Lucy, you can help her, you can move to Arizona to be with her.”

“You crazy kids!” she sobbed. “You’re crazy, crazy…” she said as she hugged Matthew.

“This is your share of my miracle,” said Lucy to Liz, as she hand over a check that was worth $20,000.

“Because you see, when life surprises you, you have to give back a little of that love…”

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