

During a tornado in Tennessee, on the 9th of December, Sunday, a baby was sucked into it, and luckily, was found alive, which made family thing that it was a touch from the God.

22-year-old mother of the child, Sydney Moore said that her son was still in his bassinet, on a fallen tree under the rain, waiting for them. She explained that the roof of the trailer the family were living in was torn off, with the power of the tornado.

The mother explained, “The tip of the tornado came down and picked up the bassinet with my baby, Lord, in it. He was the first thing to go up,”

Sydney stated that with her boyfriend and the father, Aramis Youngblood, they tried to cover their children, but along with Lord’s bassinet, Youngblood was lifted by the tornado too.

The family was assisted by Clarksville Fire Rescue Lt. Steven Bryant, which he witnessed the events too.

Aramis Youngblood, the father, had shared that he held his son’s bassinet, as it was sucked out by the tornado, and eventually, they were spinning inside the turnado. Sydney had rushed over to her little son, Princeton, and tried to hold him so he would not fly off too.

“Something in me just told me to run and jump on top of my son.” Sydney said.

“I was being really crushed. I couldn’t breathe.”

After the tornado was gone, Sydney left the rubble of their trailer, with her son, Princeton. Along with her boyfriend Aramis they started to search for their 4-month-old son, Lord.

Sydney saw that her boyfriend was bringing back their son, as she described, “I saw [Aramis] walking through the woods, carrying Lord in the pouring down rain, and all of his clothes were ripped. It was like a scene in a movie.”

Sydney Moore standing near the rubble, as seen in a video dated December 16, 2023 | Source: youtube.com/NBC News

Clarksville Fire Rescue Lt. Steven Bryant stated, “It was chaos,” lieutenant continued as, “It looked like a bomb went off. It looked like it had been in a war zone.”

A female police officer had brough Lord to Bryant, which he said, “She came running to me and gave me the baby, and I could hear the baby crying, so I thought, that’s good.”

The mother, Sydney stated that her son was saved by the God, as he helped Lord with putting him on a “little tree cradle.” Sydney said, “I thought [Lord] was dead. I was pretty sure he was dead, and we weren’t going to find him.”

And she added, “by the grace of God,” they found their child, and she stated, “I will die for my kids. That’s not even a question. And my boyfriend would do the same thing.”

Bassinet hanging from a tree, resembling a cradle, as seen in a video dated December 16, 2023 | Source: youtube.com/NBC News

After the family lost their home and car due to the terrible tornado, Sydney’s sister, Caitlyn Moore had started a GoFundMe page for the family. As Sydney and her children were left with minor injuries, her boyfriend Aramis had a broken arm and shoulder.

On the GoFundMe page, Caitlyn stated that her nephew, Lord, “had to have his ear glued from a gash on his ear and had a minor concussion. We are told that he looked like he was placed on the tree gently. Like an angel guided him safely to that spot.”

The couple also lost one of their cats, Balue. As it is reported, the site currently raised more than hudnred thousand dollars for the family, through the donations. The family stated that they will use the money to buy a house and a car for their family, their children.

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