

As 11-year-old chihuahua, Gnocchi was in the dog rescue for months, the hopes of finding him a forever home was lowering from day to day. The dog was in a pretty bad shape, as he was rescued from a hoarding house, and lost all of his teeth. People thought that he would die in the shelter he was staying.

But for his luck, 101-year-old Johanna Carrington, from California needed a dog, since she lost her four-legged best friend Rocky.

As she had an incredible gap in her life, after Rocky, she needed company of a furry friend.

Johanna stated to Washington Post that, “I missed him so much, especially because he liked to sit on my lap. The house seemed really empty after Rocky was gone, and I was quite sad,”

Her daughter, Debbie, had shared that the mood of her mother had incredibly changed since she lost her best friend, Rocky. She stated that she wanted to lift her spirit with another four-legged friend, who needed her help.

“My mom was 100 at the time, and we weren’t sure whether it would even be possible for her to have a dog at her age. I honestly wondered if anyone would allow it,” Debbie said.

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Then the fate had smiled them, and they found Gnocchi at the Muttville Senior Dog Rescue. The rescue house was hosting animals that are close to their final days.

Before her 101th birthday arrived, Debbie had started the adoption process, and gave the necessary information about her mother.

At the application form they had stated that not just their old mother would care for the dog, but the whole family would like the company of 11-year-old Gnocchi.

“As long as my mom had a strong support team – and she does – we learned that she could adopt another dog,” Debbie said, and added, “My mom had rescued dogs her whole life, and we knew it would make a huge difference for her to have another one, even at 100.”

“When I first received Johanna’s adoption questionnaire, I was a bit surprised,” said Alice ensor, an adoption counselor at Muttville who received the application form.

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“100 years old is definitely a milestone in and of itself. We don’t often have a centenarian looking to bring home a new mutt. I knew that Johanna had to be a very special dog lover to be looking for her new furry friend ahead of her 101st birthday.”

“I had never had that experience. He just jumped on my lap and started kissing me,” said Carrington.

“It was unbelievable. I’m in a recliner because I have a hard time walking. He came up the stairway, jumped on me and started kissy kissy.” said the now, 102-year-old lady.

“He stays warm, I have a sweater for him. He stares at me for a long time, I think he’s grateful that I make him warm,” she said.

The family had changed Gnocchi’s name to Gucci, as Debbie said, “Gucci brought joy into the house.”

“Laughing about him running around and doing funny things, and then also him sleeping on her lap with her while she’s in her recliner or sleeping in her bed, it’s just making her very happy,”

“She’s a lot happier and she and Gucci have become best friends,”

“Gucci is very gentle with her and follows her everywhere. He waits for her in the bathroom when she gets ready for bed at night, then follows her to bed and snuggles in. Everyone can see there’s an incredible bond there.”

Carrington had said, “He brings me so much joy! I love it when he sits on my lap and keeps me company. Having Gucci in my life has given me someone to love and care for, and that makes a big difference at my age.”

Here is a video of the old friends, Carrington and Gnocchi, let’s watch it!

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